
FDC Committee Meeting
FDC Committee Meeting
FDC Committee Meeting
FDC Committee Meeting
FDC Committee Meeting
FDC Meeting
FDC Meeting
Feathers and Advent

The Rev. Jim Grant says, "I am writing this three weeks before the national election, trying to envision a sermon to be given a little over three weeks af ter that election; imagine my confusion! At any rate, without regard to winners and losers in the election, Advent begins on the Sunday I will be your guest preacher. The proposed UUA Article II, Identity talks about our Universalist heritage " . . . ever affirming the power of hope." If Advent is anything it is an affirmation of hope, seen in all of the traditional Christmas characters to say nothing of the hopeful fires of Winter Solstice. Druids, Shepherds, Magi, Emily Dickinson, and you and I all have in common the power of hope."

Featured Articles - April, 2004

Patience and Persistence Pay Off in Purchase of Adjacent House

For 35 years, our church hoped to buy the adjacent house on 18th Street for office space and religious education classrooms. For 35 years, all our offers were rejected — the last one as recently as a year ago.

Featured Articles - April, 2005

Don't Park on Street; You Could Win a Raffle Ticket

The Building Committee met with neighbors of our church on March 13 to answer any questions about our building project. We blanketed the neighborhood with invitations, and had six neighbors attend, all of them residents of 17th, 18th or 19th Streets. We soon learned that they had three issues on their minds: parking, parking and parking.

Featured Articles - April, 2006

Ernie and Maggie are Honored on Ministry's 50th Anniversary

Sunday, March 12, was a "cup runneth over" day at both services, where the Rev. Ernie and Maggie Pipes were honored for 50 years of service. Little else was spoken of all morning and well into the afternoon, from the Rev. Judith Meyer’s opening remarks to the chalice lightings — Lu Ann Darling at the 9 a.m. service and Joyce Holmen at 11 — to music at both services by the choir and Louis Durra, to the children’s story by Catherine Farmer.

Featured Articles - April, 2007

Coming of Agers Prepare for May Ceremony

Coming of Age ClassThis year’s Coming of Age group consists of all girls who have been close friends since most of us were in the nursery. We are Colette Fletcher-Hoppe, Jessie Geoffray, Madeline Hero-Steinicke, Angelica Jue, Rachel Moore, and Elizabeth Saldo. Some hobbies shared are music, reading, and sports.