
Congregational Annual Meeting - Online

Annual Meeting: Join in the group experience of the Annual Meeting on Sunday, June 28 at noon. It will be streamed on Facebook Live @UUSantaMonica (just as we do our Sunday services). Light a chalice in your own home and hear reports from the board president and the minister, remembering those who have passed this year. The results of the election will be announced and we will “swear in” the new board. It will be a time for looking forward with hope for the future and with gratitude for those who serve our community.



Congregational Conversations, Surveys & Reports

In the last few years, there have been several major efforts to survey and report on the concerns of our members about various aspects of our church.  These documents contain the results of those surveys, conversations and reports, which have provided the basis for other ongoing conversations, evaluations and programs, including the efforts of our Right Relations Task Force.


Congregational Meeting
Congregational Meeting
All members in good standing who have been members for at least 40 days prior to the Annual Meeting are eligible to vote. Come to the meeting on May 19; let your voice be heard.
The Nominating Committee will present its slate of nominees for the open seats on the UUSM Board of Directors and Nominating Committee to the board by April 18. The slate will be posted in the church office on or before April 19. It is the charge of the Nominating Committee to nominate one person per open position.
Any member of the congregation who chooses to run by petition for any open position on the Board or Nominating Committee will also appear on the ballot. Any member of the church who has been a voting member for at least a year may run: submit your petition, signed by 10 or more voting members, to the church office. All submitted petitions and signatures must be reviewed by board Secretary Norm Richey for validation by April 29, 2019.
The final ballot for the May 19 elections will be included in a church mailing to be sent in early May. New and renewing members who are read into the rolls at the April 9 board meeting will become voting members after 40 days, and thus will be eligible to vote.
Board of Directors
The president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer serve 1-year terms, so those positions appear on the ballot every year. These officers can be nominated to the same position for three consecutive terms.
Members-at-large serve 2-year terms and may serve three consecutive terms.
Nominating Committee
There are two open seats on the Nominating Committee that will appear on the ballot for 3-year terms.
Budget and other issues
The budget for church year 2019-20 will also be discussed and voted on. There’s lots going on, so other issues may need your thoughtful consideration. Check your mailer, then come and vote.
Members may vote in person, by proxy, or by absentee ballot. A quorum is needed, so please come to the meeting and vote in person. Your presence, your voice, and your enthusiasm for our beloved community is needed and welcomed.
Pat Gomez
Chair, Nominating Committee

Congregational Meeting: Vote on Finance Recommendations

PURPOSE: To vote on the recommendations about our financial future from the Committee on Money and the Board of Directors

Congregational Meeting
UUSM Committee on Money and Board Joint Recommendations
February 14, 2016 at 12:30pm in the Sanctuary


1.     Chalice Lighting: Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur

2.     Call to Order and Quorum Report

  1.     Appointment of:          

a. Inspector of Elections: Wendi Gladstone
b. Ballot/Hand Counters: Joyce Holmen, Roberta Frye, Beth Rendeiro,  Karen Hsu Patterson, Dan Patterson
c. Timekeeper: Vilma Ortiz
d. Parliamentarian: Dan Nannini

4.     Adoption of Rules of the Meeting

5.     RESOLUTION I: The Congregation approves the establishment of a set of general Church financial and accounting Principles and Practices to clarify and strengthen our current practices.

6.     RESOLUTION II: The Congregation approves the establishment of an Operating Account to provide liquidity for the ordinary financial operations of the church.

7.     RESOLUTIONS III and IV – RESERVE ACCOUNTS: The Congregation approves the establishment and the defining purposes for five Reserve Accounts, with initial dollar and future percentage allocations.

7a. RESOLUTION IIIa: The Congregation approves the establishment of the Catastrophic (Insurance Deductibles) Reserve Account.

7b. RESOLUTION IIIb: The Congregation approves the establishment of the Capital/Building Reserve account.

7c. RESOLUTION IIIc: The Congregation approves the establishment of the Contingency Reserve Account.

7d. RESOLUTION IIId: The Congregation approves the establishment of the 2016-17 Annual Budget Deficit Reserve Fund for a possible deficit.

7e. RESOLUTION IV: The Congregation approves adopting the Reserve Account Standard and Practices.           


8a. RESOLUTION VIII: The congregation approves the authorization and establishment of a Church Endowment Fund to provide future earnings to the church.

8b. RESOLUTION IX: The Congregation approves the adoptions of investment and management standards and practices for Endowment Fund assets.

9.     Closing remarks by Ron Crane, Chair of the Committee on Money.

The Board of Directors hopes all Church members will share in the participatory democracy of this Congregation.  A quorum for all Church business meetings consists of not less than 1/6 of the voting members. Non-members are welcome to attend, but cannot vote.  Childcare will be available.

Please Note: Voting members of the Church who do not expect to be present may vote in absentia in either of two manners: 

(1)    By designating another voting member, who will attend the meeting, as his or her proxy.  No attending member shall hold the proxy for more than one absent member.  The attending member shall specify whose proxy he or she holds at the time of check-in to the meeting. 

(2)    By completing and submitting an absentee ballot by Friday, February 12 by noon..  Ballots are available to members unable to attend the Annual Meeting upon request from the Church office at 310-829-5436 or

Deadline for absentee ballot submission is Friday, February 12 at 12 noon.  Please return Ballots in an envelope marked “Absentee Ballot” with your name on the outside


Congregational Resolutions to Implement the Recommendations of the Committee on Money

View or download full document here:

Congregational Watch Party - Online Launch of UU The Vote

The stakes couldn’t be higher in the 2020 elections. All our values, our work for justice, the communities we love and the beloved community we seek to create are under attack. Our religious community must speak with moral courage and act with prophetic clarity and determination in the 2020 electoral cycle. Our UU values of interdependence, democracy, and the inherent worth and dignity of all people are direct antidotes to the fear, bigotry, and inequity that define our world. In this political moment, UUs are called to join forces with all people who want to organize our communities and our nation to #VoteLove and #DefeatHate. Let’s UU the Vote in 2020!

In this online launch, hear about the organizing plan for UU the Vote across the country, some of the strategies we'll be deploying, examples of on-the-ground work from congregations already engaging, and how you and your congregation can get involved. Together we will explore how we are called to wear the mantle of our shared legacies, principles, and values as we move boldly together, making our faith relevant and effective in bending the arc of the universe toward justice in this political moment.


Connections Through Art – Ethiopian Art, curated by Elsabet Mesfin

During March, we are pleased to exhibit Connections Through Art, a collection of Ethiopian paintings, curated by Elsabet Mesfin. We look forward to seeing you at the Opening Reception on Sunday, March 6 from 12 noon to 1:30 pm. The exhibit will run through the month of March.

Elsabet Mesfin was born and raised in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and now resides in Los Angeles. In 2011, Mesfin returned to Ethiopia to reconnect with family and friends. The journey became transformative as she discovered a rich source of Ethiopian creative expression in the paintings of university art students and local artists. These works were so inspirational for her that she became committed to creating international exposure for these talented artists. Mesfin returned to Los Angeles, with a number of original paintings to showcase here in the States. A portion of all sales go directly to the artists.

Elsabet Mesfin created Connections Through Art to help further promote Ethiopian artists. The March art wall exhibit expresses the lifestyle and natural beauty of Ethiopia. The images show both traditional and modern scenes. Artistically, several different styles of composition are represented including Realism, Impressionism, Cubism, Portraiture and Abstract Modernism.

The works of eight different artists are displayed in the show: Yohannes Bayu, Haile Gabriel, Samuel Hailu, Aman G. Medhin, Berhanu Misganaw, Nahosenay Negussie, Negatu Solomon and Tesfa Solomon. Individual biographies of each artist can be read on www.ConnectionsThroughArt. com.

Most of them have studied at the Alle School of Arts at the University of Addis Ababa, and many come from families who have a long tradition of artistic expression.

Contact Nancy for more information or weekday appointments at or (310) 829-5436 ext. 102.

Contact our Art Director, Beverly Alison, for further information about this show or about exhibiting on our Art Wall. 


Connector Group meeting
Connector Meeting
Connectors Meeting
Conservations About Death