Congregational Meeting

All members in good standing who have been members for at least 40 days prior to the Annual Meeting are eligible to vote. Come to the meeting on May 19; let your voice be heard.
The Nominating Committee will present its slate of nominees for the open seats on the UUSM Board of Directors and Nominating Committee to the board by April 18. The slate will be posted in the church office on or before April 19. It is the charge of the Nominating Committee to nominate one person per open position.
Any member of the congregation who chooses to run by petition for any open position on the Board or Nominating Committee will also appear on the ballot. Any member of the church who has been a voting member for at least a year may run: submit your petition, signed by 10 or more voting members, to the church office. All submitted petitions and signatures must be reviewed by board Secretary Norm Richey for validation by April 29, 2019.
The final ballot for the May 19 elections will be included in a church mailing to be sent in early May. New and renewing members who are read into the rolls at the April 9 board meeting will become voting members after 40 days, and thus will be eligible to vote.
Board of Directors
The president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer serve 1-year terms, so those positions appear on the ballot every year. These officers can be nominated to the same position for three consecutive terms.
Members-at-large serve 2-year terms and may serve three consecutive terms.
Nominating Committee
There are two open seats on the Nominating Committee that will appear on the ballot for 3-year terms.
Budget and other issues
The budget for church year 2019-20 will also be discussed and voted on. There’s lots going on, so other issues may need your thoughtful consideration. Check your mailer, then come and vote.
Members may vote in person, by proxy, or by absentee ballot. A quorum is needed, so please come to the meeting and vote in person. Your presence, your voice, and your enthusiasm for our beloved community is needed and welcomed.
— Pat Gomez
Chair, Nominating Committee
Chair, Nominating Committee
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