
Constance Meyer - violin recital
Continuing Pledge Policy

Approved at the annual meeting 5-16-99

1. All pledges will be on a continuing basis (until changed by the pledger) instead of being for only a single year.

2. An annual solicitation of pledge increases will be held in the fall instead of a solicitation of pledges in the spring.

3. The pledge accounting year (and the year within which a contribution must be made to maintain membership) shall be the calendar year instead of the fiscal year.


Developmental Ministry is different than Settled Ministry or Interim Ministry.  It is not simply holding a place until the ‘real’ minister arrives.  Developmental Ministry is designed to identify, explore and address any unresolved conflicts or organizational issues that would inhibit or prevent successful new ministry from rooting here.  It is designed to identify and point out to the congregation what ministers (and new members) are looking for so that the congregation can do its work in preparing to BE THE PLACE great leaders (including great members) want to be.  Rev. Greg has spent a year observing and talking and pointing out things.  This is an opportunity to have a congregational conversation about what he has come to understand and what he will be recommending happen in the next couple years to prepare for the kind of exciting future we want and observe.  He has written a report which is encouraged reading (although all are welcome). 

 A light lunch will be provided.

Conversations About Death

March Worship Series: Mortality - The Practice of Being Alive

Join Rev. Rebecca and our worship leaders on a spiritual exploration to understand how death touches us, all our lives; honestly and openly share your hopes and fears surrounding “the end,” and learn what our living tradition has to teach us about mortality.

March 13 Sermon: Conversations About Death

Join Rev. Rebecca and special guests to listen in on the conversations church members and friends have been having since Cassandra Christiansen began her “death classes” here last summer. You will be moved and surprised by how alive it feels to talk openly and honestly about death. We will devote two services to this special theme. If you have questions about death you would like us to do our best to include, please email Rev. Rebecca at by 3/9.


Conversations about Death

Come join us in this safe space to discuss your concerns and questions. In this meeting we will explore a specific topic, the meeting is usually led by a specialist in the field, generally a UUSM member. You will gain resources and guidelines enabling you to be comfortable when called upon by friend, family, or to be there for yourself.

Facilitated by Cassandra Christenson, retired RN whose life's work has been with end-of-life concerns. 

Conversations About Death

Come join us in this safe space to discuss your concerns and questions. This meeting will explore a specific topic.  The meeting is usually led by a specialist in the field, generally a UUSM member. You will gain resources and guidelines enabling you to be comfortable when called upon by friend, family, or to be there for yourself.


Facilitated by Cassandra Christenson, retired RN whose life's work has been with end-of-life concerns. 

Conversations about Death

Conversations About Death


Death Café

At a Death Cafe people, often strangers, gather to eat cake, drink tea and discuss death. The objective is 'to increase awareness of death with a view to helping people make the most of their (finite) lives'. Alongside refreshing drinks, cake and fruit!

A Death Cafe is a group directed discussion of death with no agenda, objectives or themes. It is a discussion group rather than a grief support or counseling session.

Richard Mathias, a long time UU member and facilitator of the UU Men's group, will lead us in the Death Café. Cassandra, retired RN long experienced in the field of death and dying, will be our resource person.

                         If you like, bring cake, fruit or your favorite tea                              Along with your tea cup and saucer

                                       June 30, Tuesday, 7-9:00PM                                         Forbes Hall

On July 12, 11:30-1:00pm  Forbes Hall, Cassandra will share how to comfort and guide another through the last hours of life. Several UU members will tell how to create a "Good Death"

There will be follow up discussion on July 15, 7-8:30pm Forbes Hall.                                                             All are welcome





Please call Cassandra  if you have questions or experiences you would like to share.

Conversations about Death


Facilitated by Cassandra Christenson, retired RN, and founder of Project Nightlight, an  organization of "neighbors" going into the night of death to be there at the bedside with love and  tender care.  

Each month there will also be a co-facilitator:
May: Beth Rendeiro
June: Richard Mathias, leader of the UUSM Men's Group, will bring the "Death Cafe conversation" that he did with his group. On that night there will be a limit of 8 committed participants. 

Please call Cassandra if you have questions or experiences you would like to share.

Conversations about Death
The topic is Understanding Death through Poetry, Writing and Sharing.
Come to this safe place where we can share with each other and ease the burdens in our hearts and minds.
Led by Cassandra Christenson.  
Conversations about Death

Come join us in this safe space to discuss your concerns and questions. As the second meeting of the month, at these meetings we explore a specific topic, the meeting is usually led by a specialist in the field, generally a UUSM member. You will gain resources and guidelines enabling you to be comfortable when called upon by friend, family, or to be there for yourself. Facilitated by Cassandra Christenson, retired RN whose life's work has been with end-of-life concerns. 

 A wide variety of topics arise in these evenings of warmth and sharing about a most profound and mysterious time of life. In May, 12 of us met for a workshop on detailed information about personalizing an Advance Healthcare Directive; we probably need to do that again in a few months. If you don't think you need an Advance Directive, or you did a Living Will a decade or two ago, please consider reading physician Atul Gawande's excellent, popular book, “Being Mortal.”

Our group, also known as Conversations about Death, looks for ways to explore our relationship with death, and we make informed preparations for understanding dying, grief, and living fully. Questions – both broad and specific – are an important part of this journey, as is listening with open hearts and minds. Contact: Joyce Holmen for more information.

Conversations about Death

We will talk about our insights and feelings in response to the Sunday talk.

All are welcome.