
Common Ground

Environmentalism has given us new language, new meaning, even new faith, which we practice more than we realize. As summer begins, we survey this common ground. Music Michael Lamb, tenor

Common Ground
Communication Skills Workshop
Your Right Relations Team will be providing a Communications Skills Workshop on Thursday, April 26 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm in Forbes Hall, to which all are invited.  We will explore skills that will help us live into our Covenant of Right Relations.  With our Covenant we are committing to caring, welcoming, communicating, apologizing, forgiving and striving to be as compassionate and kind as we are able.  When we fall short, we will try to acknowledge our mistakes.  This will most certainly be, at times, challenging and fulfilling and exciting and growthful.  We are working to live in right relation with one another.
You may read the Covenant on our church website:  You may also pick up a copy of the Covenant at the Right Relations table after each service. 
Please sign up for the Workshop at the Right Relations table on Sunday.  A member of our Right Relations Team will be glad to respond to your questions and chat with you about what’s happening in right relations these days.  See you there!
Communication Team Meeting & Potluck

All members working on communications channels are welcome to come enahnce synchronicity. Committee chairs and others interested in all the moving parts of communications are invited. Please bring a side dish to share. Contact

Communications Coordinator - Sibylla Nash

Please contact our Communications Coordinator, Sibylla Nash at or call (310) 829-5436, ext. 103, for matters relating to the order of service and the weekly e-mail announcements. 

Communications Confab
Communications Meeting
Communications Team Meeting
Communications Team Meeting
Communications Team Meeting
Communications Team Meeting - Zoom/Online

Comm Team Meeting Thursday, April 30 at 6:30 pm via Zoom – All members working on communications channels are welcome to come enhance synchronicity. Committee chairs and others interested in promotions and all the moving parts of communications are invited.                                                                                                                     

Contact for Zoom credentials.

Community Dialogue Circle - Zoom/Online

Holiday Chalice Circle

What do "The Holidays" mean to you? How have they been different so far this year? How will they be the same?

In the past, the winter holiday season may have meant family reunions, worship in the sanctuary, good food shared with friends, and festive outings. For many, this time of year may amplify an existing sense of loneliness -- especially during the pandemic, or alienation from religious beliefs and rituals, or disenchantment with commercialism, or generalized stress. 

If you would like to share your thoughts and feelings about the holiday season in a supportive virtual circle, you are invited to a facilitated dialogue on Wednesday, December 16, from 7-8:30pm. In gratitude for the gathered community of caring, we will speak our truths and listen, with compassion and humility, to each other’s deep expressions of self.

Thanks to the Pastoral Care Team for sponsoring the dialogue circle. Reverend Jeremiah will provide a pastoral frame for the conversation. 

For further information and to obtain the zoom link, please email