Green Living News & Tips Archive
Living the 7th Principle
By Wendi Gladstone

We added trees to our first forest and we planted a new forest at Santa Susana Field Lab on the Boeing property on April 5th. This is my Mom’s forest, The Barbara Gladstone Memorial Forest. All of the more than 80 trees have names, one for each person/group who cared, attended her memorial service, or who were her friends. UU of Santa Monica has a tree planted in that forest. Thank you all for caring!
Get Involved with UUSM’s Green Living Committee

Another Sustainable Quality Award for UUSM

Veggie Bus Getting Ready to Roll
Alison Kendall, helping prepare Community Services Unlimiteds’ (CSU) “Veggie Bus” to receive solar panels as part of it’s remodel into a permanent classroom, seed library and performance space. UUSM has been working with CSU on this project and several other volunteers joined Alison on Sept. 9 to help make this project happen. There is another workday coming up on Saturday, October 14. Watch the Thursday announcements for more information.
Film Screening with Director - Saturday, Oct. 7, 7 pm in the Sanctuary

The Green Living Committee Joins with CSU Again!
Our Green Living Committee social justice partner in South Los Angeles needs volunteers for upcoming work days on July 8 and August 12, 9 am to 1 pm. Contact Rick Teplitz for more information.
Great CSU News from the Green Living Committee
UU Santa Monica Named a Green Sanctuary by the UUA

March and April, 2017 - Climate Justice Month
Seeds of Change
Though I do not believe that a plant will spring up where no seed has been, I have great faith in a seed. Convince me that you have a seed there, and I am prepared to expect wonders.
-- Henry David Thoreau
Join Rev. Rebecca, Green Living committee leaders , and special guests for Seeds of Change, a five-week exploration of personal and social transformation through the lens of climate justice. The journey begins on March 19, with Reverend Michael Dowd, eco-thologian, preaching in honor of World Water Day on March 22. Our Climate Justice Month will conclude with our participation in the March for Science in Los Angeles on April 22 and then celebration with the Earth Sunday sermon on April 23.
Community Services Unlimited, our climate justice partner in South Central Los Angeles, has received two grants towards their Veggie Bus 2 project, a Legacy Project grant of $10,000 from the Los Angeles Chapter of the US Green Building Council and another $5000 from the Whole Cities Foundation.
This has allowed them to relocate the beautifully painted Veggie Bus to their new location at 6569 South Vermont Avenue, where it will be renovated for use as a classroom and seed library/nursery, to become part of the urban farm and wellness center that is being developed at this site (check out this video
Please join us to celebrate and volunteer Saturday, June 10 - HONORING OUR ROOTS: PEOPLE, SEEDS AND PLACE
10 am to noon
Garden Gateway, Seed Saving: Learn how to save seeds harvested from the EXPO Farm, help create the first packets to become part of the Veggie Bus Library, and take seeds home for your garden!
Veggie Bus 2: Join us to start this exciting project; we will move the bus to its permanent location, do some clean up and have a dialogue about the features we want to include in this upcycle.
12 pm to 2 pm
Paul Robeson Panel and Video Shoot: The seeds of the Paul Robeson Center, how did it come to be, why was it named after and what is its connection to Paul Robeson? “I’m a Champion” performance by Sheldon Bailey and video shoot with audience.
UUSM members who would like to attend and help out, please contact Rick Teplitz,and we’ll try to set up carpooling or alternative transportation. Rick Teplitz has room for three people leaving from Westchester.
Seeds of Change

Green Living Practice Groups: