Hiking Group - Point Dume

UU Hiking Group: For climbing and beach walking, marine life and interesting plants join our next hike on February 8. We will meet at the church Saturday at 9 a.m., as usual. This hike is at Point Dume. We now hike when we know at least five people will be participating. If you plan to join us, please email or phone Phil Bonacich by Thursday, February 6, at 8 p.m. Dress for temperature change. Bring water, sunscreen, and a snack. Cameras and binoculars are good options. You should be able to hike about 5 miles and climb 5 flights of stairs. Steady rain cancels. There are restrooms at the parking area. If you plan to join the hike please email or call Phil
Bonacich . For more information contact Steve Young.
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