Open Meditation
NEW! Open Meditation: Fri, Sept 22, 7pm-8:30pm. Forbes.
You are cordially invited to a new monthly group called “Open Meditation.” Whether you are a beginner who is just curious about meditation or whether you have been meditating for many years – you are welcome. At its root, Meditation is a natural and deeply human practice. We are not teaching a particular form of meditation or doctrine. You don’t need to know anything, do any particular activity or believe in anything. We will have brief readings, one 25-minute period of sitting with walking meditation, and time for journaling and sharing. You can drop in when it serves you, or come regularly. If you are late, just come in quietly and join us. If you have questions, speak with one of us at coffee hour on Sunday, or give us a call.
We will meet beginning in October every third Friday in Forbes Hall. Facilitators: Beverly Shoenberger and Carol Ring .