Healthy Congregation Council Holidays Dialogue
What do The Holidays mean to you? For some, they herald family reunions, religious exaltation, good food, festive outings. For many, this time of year amplifies an existing sense of loneliness, alienation from Christian belief and rituals, disgust with commercialism and/ or generalized stress. However you feel, you are invited to a facilitated dialogue with the Healthy Congregation Council on Tuesday, December 3rd at 6.30 p.m. in Forbes Hall. In gratitude for the gathered community of caring, we will hold space for each other to voice our thoughts and feelings, and to listen, with reverence, compassion and humility, to each other’s deep expressions of self. We are pleased to announce that Reverend Jeremiah will provide a pastoral frame for the conversation. Treats will be served. For further information, please contact, or speak to any Council member.