Book Group: How To Be Less Stupid about Race (Postponed to June 3 for Memorial Day)


Update from Laura Matthews

Book Group: How To Be Less Stupid about Race: Skipping a week for this discussion group because of Memorial Day, so the third and final meeting will be on Monday, June 3 rather than May 27. How to Be Less Stupid about Race: Book Group. Come explore this important new book in three weekly 2-hour sessions, in Forbes Hall at 7:00 pm. Register for this series either at the RE table or by emailing discussion facilitators Audrey Lyness or Laura Matthews. 


How to Be Less Stupid about Race: Book Group. Come explore this important new book in three weekly 2-hour sessions ending Monday, June 3, 7:00pm, in Forbes Hall. Register for this series either at the RE table or by emailing discussion facilitators Audrey Lyness or Laura Matthews.

For details, scroll down.

How to Be Less Stupid about Race: Book Group. Come explore this important new book in three weekly 2-hour sessions starting Monday, May 13, 7:00pm, in Forbes Hall. Register for this series either at the RE table or by email. 

From the UUA website: “How to Be Less Stupid About Race is your essential guide to breaking through the half-truths and ridiculous misconceptions that have thoroughly corrupted the way race is represented in the classroom, pop culture, media, and politics. Combining no-holds-barred social critique, humorous personal anecdotes, and analysis of the latest interdisciplinary scholarship on systemic racism, sociologist Crystal M. Fleming provides a fresh, accessible, and irreverent take on everything that’s wrong with our national conversation about race.” Come explore this important new book with Audrey Lyness and Laura Matthews in three weekly 2-hour sessions ending Monday, June 3, 7:00pm, in Forbes Hall. We’ll discuss how the ideas speak to us (if at all), what the ideas might mean in practical application, and how they are or are not useful in our fight against racism. Everyone is welcome to audit the discussion; if you’d like to participate, please be sure to have read the Introduction and the first two chapters for the first session. Please also register for this series either at the RE table or by emailing Audrey Lyness or Laura Matthews. Copies of the book are available online or for $17 at the RE table after the Sunday church services. Our hope is that the discussion will be informative, positive, and practical, with all of us learning from the book and from the perspective of others.iling discussion facilitators Audrey Lyness or Laura Matthews.

Date / Time: 
Contact Name: 
Audrey Lyness
Laura Matthews