UU Men's Group - Zoom/Online
Topic: In a recent New York Times article, columnist John McWhorter compared the current “wokeness” with the Black Power movement that arose after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965:
“…a general sense I have always had [is] that in 1966 something went seriously awry with what used to be called “The Struggle.” There is a natural human tendency in which action devolves into gesture, the concrete drifts into abstraction, and the outline morphs into shorthand. It’s true in language, in the arts, and in politics, and I think its effects distracted much Black American thought — as today’s wokeness as performance also leads us astray — at a time when there was finally the opportunity to do so much more.”
What do you understand being “woke” to mean? In your opinion has the Woke movement or mindset had a net positive or negative effect on our politics and society?