Right Relations Covenant Workshop

We hope that all members of our UUSM community will take part in this Saturday's Covenant Workshop 
from 9am-noon in the Sanctuary,  with coffee and light breakfast starting at 8:30am. 
This workshop, facilitated by our Right Relations consultant Nancy Edmundson, is an opportunity to shape our UUSM Covenant of Right Relations.
Join friends and fellow congregants for a stimulating morning of exploring covenant and working on our own UUSM Covenant of Right Relations. 
To quote our minister Greg, “Being good is not coincidental. It is intentional, born out of becoming clear about who – and how – we want to be. A ‘covenant’ is simply a way to move into some intentionality regarding how we ‘agree to be together.’ It makes explicit our collective aspirations and calls us into collective accountability toward our ideals.” 
To read Rev. Greg's letter in its entirety, please click here.
Please join us for this meaningful and rewarding work!
RSVP at  https://tinyurl.com/RSVP10-7, you can also email us at RightRelations@uusm.org
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