CLUE forum: "What's Love Got To Do With It? A Faith Perspective on the LUVE Initiative."
A faith perspective on the LUVE initiative
Hopefully you know about love, but you may not be aware of an initiative on this fall’s ballot in Santa Monica that has nothing to do with love. The Land Use Voter Empowerment (LUVE) ballot measure claims to curb overdevelopment, but it impacts our city far beyond a few buildings and it cuts at the root of the tenets of our spirituality-based traditions. This presentation will give you:
• the biblical stories and values from which to view this issue
• specific information about what it will do
• what it will not do and
• how to tell the difference
The event, sponsored by CLUE-Santa Monica (Clergy & Laity United for Economic Justice), will be held in the Sanctuary of the Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Santa Monica, at 18th and Arizona. Parking is free at UCLA Medical Center, 16th and Arizona.
This measure may damage our quality of life in this city more than any other on this year’s ballot!
Date / Time:
Contact Name:
Cathie Gentile