Adult R/E - The Fifth UU Principle Meets BYOT Ethics

Building Your Own Theology III: Ethics

In this course, Gilbert’s model has the self connecting to a system of ethics- the system that you use to choose how to act in your relationships with yourself and others.
Some questions are: Who Am I? To Whom and to What Am I Related? Within what communities do you identify yourself and how do those identities affect your life, your beliefs, your choices?  Does who you are make a difference in what you believe?
These are the kinds of questions we will ask you to consider during this course. You do not need to be sure of your answers, we only ask that you consider the questions and answer as best as you can with what you believe in this moment.

Leon Henderson-MacLennan- Facilitator


Date / Time: 
Repeats every week every Sunday until Sun Mar 11 2018 except Sun Feb 25 2018. Also includes Sun Feb 25 2018.
Contact Name: 
Kathleen Hogue