Adult Programs - Humanist Voices
Is God a White Racist?
In January, Humanist Voices will read and discuss the book, “Is God a White Racist?” By Rev. William R. Jones, an African American UU minister, theologian, and professor. The work was originally published by Beacon Press (UUA) in the 1970s. Some copies of the book will be available at the RE table in Forbes or can be purchased in paperback or Kindle version from Amazon or other sellers.
In this powerful examination of the early liberation methodology of James Cone and others, Jones questions whether their foundation for black Christian theism—the belief in an omnibenevolent God who has dominion over human history—can provide an adequate theological foundation to effectively dismantle the economic, social, and political framework of oppression.
Seeing divine benevolence as part of oppression's mechanism of disguise, Jones argues that black liberation theologians must adopt a new theism that is informed by humanism and its principle of the functional ultimacy of wo/man, where human choice and action determine whether our condition is slavery or freedom.
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Contact Name:
James Witker