Thomas Jefferson and his Miracle-free Bible - POSTPONED

Elizabeth Campbell, who has written the introduction to a new edition of the Jefferson Bible, will be offering her perspective on Thomas Jefferson and his unique miracle-free version of the Bible, some history on the First Amendment, Jefferson’s personal views on religion, and his relationship with the Unitarian church of his day. For those who aren't familiar, Jefferson took several copies of the Bible and literally cut-and-pasted them together (before the advent of personal computers running Word or Windows '76), excising any references to the supernatural or miraculous events, leaving only what he considered to be “the most benevolent code of morals which has ever been offered to man.” If you missed “Bordeaux & the Jefferson Bible” during Dining for Dollars last spring, now’s your chance for this reprise (minus the dinner and wine). Ms. Campbell will be speaking following regular Sunday services on September 30 at 1:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. The event is open to the entire UUCCSM community and is sponsored by AAHS — Agnostics, Atheists, Humanists & Secularists. For more info: contact Len Harris or Ian Dodd or stop by the AAHS table in Forbes Hall following each service on Sunday mornings.

Date / Time: 
Contact Name: 
Len Harris
Ian Dodd