UUSM Green Living & FIA - Intergenerational Garden Planting
Green Living Committee + Faith in Action invites you to spend some time gardening outdoors with our nature loving folks of all ages from UUSM! Youth and folks with gardening skills and tools are especially invited!
Our church campus landscape is in need of some loving attention, as we start to hold small gatherings outdoors in our Covid-19 transition period. We will focus on filling in the bald areas along the low stucco wall with drought tolerant plants.
We may be able to select and start a small native garden in an appropriate spot.
UUSM Covid 19 Protocols apply:
--Bring and Wear Masks and stay Socially Distanced
--No Food or Drink
--Vaccinated Folks only (unless under 12 with parent)
--Please dress in comfortable shoes and clothes, with hat, mask and sunscreen
--Please bring tools and
--Please RSVP to greenchair@uusm.org.