Faith Forward - Inquirers Group

Session 9: Membership 101

Faith Forward - Inquirers Series:
Many folks come to UUSM with a host of questions ranging from “What is Unitarian Universalism“, What do UUs believe?” What programs do you have at this church? Our Inquirers Series, developed by the First UU Church of Dallas, is designed to help answer these questions and many others.
A total of nine sessions will be presented from February 9 th , through May 3rd. You may attend any class at any time; it is not necessary to attend them in sequence nor is it necessary to attend them all, although we hope you do so.
The following is the scheduled list of Sessions:
 02/09/20 Session 1: UU Principles, Sources and Historical Overview
 02/16/20 Session 2: Campus Tour, Orientation and Church History
 02/23/20 Session 3: Worship and the Liturgical Year
 03/01/20 Session 4: Q & A with the Minister, Rev Jeremiah Kalendae
 Two week Break
 03/22/20 Session 5: Faith Development for Children & Youth; Programs for
Families;..0 Our Whole Lives (OWL) Program
 One week Break
 04/05/20 Session 6: Social Action and Community Service
 One week Break
 04/19/20 Session 7: Adult Programs & Opportunities for Personal & Spiritual
Growth, Heart to Heart Groups.
 04/26/20 Session 8: Pastoral Care, Care-Ring
 05/03/20 Session 9: Membership 101
You may attend any or all of these sessions, whether you are a visitor, a new member or a long-time member of the congregation. For first time visitors to UUSM, we offer a brief Visitor Meet-Up after each Sunday Service. At the conclusion of Visitor Meet-Up you will be invited to join the Inquirers Series the following Sunday.
Inquirers Classes will be held weekly from 11:30 – 12:30, in room 1, second floor of Forbes after Service beginning Sunday, February 9 th.
Registration will be held at the Adult RE table in Forbes during Fellowship after each Sunday Service, or in Room 1 prior to the session.
Please come…the sessions are interesting, educational and informative!
Date / Time: 
Contact Name: 
Norm Richey