Passover Seder
Come celebrate Passover with a Seder on Saturday, April 20 at 5 pm in Forbes Hall.
A special intern Rabbi will lead the service, which will include a reading of the Haggadah. Traditional Passover food and wine will be served. A donation of $15 per person or $30 per family is requested. Please also bring a side dish, such as a vegetable, salad, or dessert (macaroons, honey cake) to share. No one will be turned away for their inability to pay.
Attendance is limited to 40 people to preserve an intimate family setting.
If you are interested in volunteering to help with organizing, set-up and clean-up for the event, please contact Resa Foreman or Teri Lucas by email.
Sign up to attend this event at the RE table in Forbes Hall, or by e-mail to Resa Foreman or Teri Lucas.
-- The Passover Committee
Date / Time:
Contact Name:
Resa Forman
Teri Lucas