FIA - Second Sunday Speaker
In lieu of a film screening this Sunday Evening after Second Sunday Supper, we will welcome award-winning journalist David Dayen, who will be speaking about (and signing copies of) his new book, Chain of Title. This is a special treat!

David is a contributing writer to Salon, The New Republic, Vice, The Intercept, The Fiscal Times and others. Before that, he was a well-known political blogger at Firedoglake. Glenn Greenwald has said: "In the wake of the devastating 2008 financial crisis, David Dayen has become one of the nation’s most knowledgeable, astute and important voices in identifying the culprits and documenting the efforts to protect them. His new book is one of the most important yet written on the causes of that crisis, the abject failures of the political class to punish the wrongdoers, and the dangerous refusal on the part of the nation’s elite to safeguard against future and even worse meltdowns.”
Some may have met David and his wife, Mary, when they joined us at one of the CLUE demonstrations at Millennium Car Wash a couple of years ago. Join us this Sunday in the Sanctuary at 7:30PM as we welcome them to UUSM. Flyer attached below.
Date / Time:
Contact Name:
James Witker