FIA Booth at Westside Coalition Community Involvement Fair
The Peace and Social Justice Committee of Faith in Action is hosting its booth again this year on Monday, January 19 at the annual Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., Westside Coalition Community Involvement Fair immediately following the program (9 a.m. to noon). The SGI Temple is on the North West corner of Wilshire at 6th Street. The Community Involvement Fair is a luncheon with a number of community organizations having booths from 12 to 1 p.m. across the street on the South East corner of Wilshire at 6th. The Speaker at this year’s event is Gabriella Rosco from CLUE, who has spoken at our church and with whom the FIA Commission works on several projects. All church members are invited. Questions: Diana Spears.
Date / Time:
Contact Name:
Diana Spears