Music Committee Meeting
Dear UUSM Music Committee members, potential Music Committee members, and anyone interested in supporting music at UUSM: After the first two Sundays of the 2012-13 church year, we have welcomed our new Director of Music, DeReau Farrar, who has already begun to put his stamp on our program and activities. However, it is only a start and DeReau cannot accomplish everything on his own. After two years of transition in our church and in our music program, the Music Committee needs new interest and support. Members of the Director of Music Search Committee and former Music Committee chair Rima Snyder have agreed to assist with getting things up and running for the new season, and we're now at a stage where new people can step up and make a difference. We'll be laying the groundwork now for the foreseeable future, talking about our vision for this year and beyond. Plan now to attend the first meeting on Sunday, October 14, in Forbes Room 1 at 12:30 pm. If music speaks to your soul, be a part of the conversation! Please pass this invitation along to anyone else who might be interested.