AAHS Freethinker Forum - Zoom/Online - Postponed

Freethinker Forum is a monthly interactive meeting sponsored by AAHS: Agnostics, Atheists, Humanists & Secularists of UU Santa Monica. All are welcome to join in a lively discussion where a diversity of viewpoints are
encouraged and respected.
 Please email aahs@uusm.org for Zoom link.

 AAHS Freethinker Forum Sunday May 23rd - Revisiting EMERGENCE, Complexity, and Creativity. The cross-disciplinary science of Emergence (emergent properties and complexity) attempts to describe how complex patterns of organization and evolution arise from simpler components -- such as galaxies, snowflakes, and life itself. Emergence gives rise to chemistry from physics, psychology from biology, and consciousness from organic matter. A wondrous but partly mysterious feature of our universe, some scientists and theologians alike think Emergence is the key to reconciling science and religion.





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AAHS is a local group of the UU Humanist Association (huumanists.org).
More info:
AAHS (Atheists, Agnostics, Humanists & Secularists/Skeptics) is a group that meets monthly (4th Sundays) for discussion and fellowship at the Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Santa Monica. All are welcome!
The term Humanism (sometimes known as secular humanism, modern humanism or scientific humanism) was first used as a moniker for a non-theistic, compassionate philosophy or worldview by Rev. John Dietrich of the First Unitarian Society of Minneapolis in 1916, over 100 years ago! The early Unitarian Humanists wrote the original "Humanism and its Aspirations" manifesto and co-founded the American Humanist Association, helping to begin an international movement. 
"The time has come for widespread recognition of the radical changes in religious beliefs throughout the modern world. The time is past for mere revision of traditional attitudes. Science and economic change have disrupted the old beliefs. Religions the world over are under the necessity of coming to terms with new conditions created by a vastly increased knowledge and experience. In every field of human activity, the vital movement is now in the direction of a candid and explicit humanism."
Humanist Manifesto 1, 1933
Contact: aahs@uusm.org
Facebook Link: 
Date / Time: 
Repeats every month on the fourth Sunday until Sun Nov 27 2022 except Sun Nov 25 2012, Sun Feb 24 2013, Sun Jun 23 2013, Sun Jul 28 2013, Sun Aug 25 2013, Sun Jul 27 2014, Sun Aug 24 2014, Sun Jul 26 2015, Sun Aug 23 2015, Sun May 22 2016, Sun Jun 26 2016, Sun Jul 24 2016, Sun Dec 25 2016, Sun Aug 27 2017, Sun Dec 24 2017, Sun Jan 28 2018, Sun Feb 25 2018, Sun May 27 2018, Sun Jun 24 2018, Sun Jul 22 2018, Sun Aug 26 2018, Sun Oct 28 2018, Sun Nov 25 2018, Sun Dec 23 2018, Sun Feb 24 2019, Sun Apr 28 2019, Sun May 26 2019, Sun Jun 23 2019, Sun Jul 28 2019, Sun Aug 25 2019, Sun Sep 22 2019, Sun Oct 27 2019, Sun Nov 24 2019, Sun Jan 26 2020, Sun Mar 22 2020, Sun Apr 26 2020.
Contact Name: 
James Witker