August, 2012
Venice Beach regulars: Painting the Unseen Faces Around Us

Stuart Perlman continues his life mission as a psychologist and psychoanalyst helping people in private practice in
West Los Angeles for over 30 years. He received his Ph.D. from UCLA in clinical psychology and a second Ph.D. from the Southern California Psychoanalytic Institute, and has been a faculty member at both. He is a training analyst at the Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis. He has published many articles in psychoanalytic journals, and has authored the book, “The Therapist's Emotional Survival: Dealing with the Pain of Exploring Trauma.”
After a hiatus of many years, Stuart has returned to one of his early passions, creating portraits and landscapes with lush colors and emotional tones. His current project of two years is Venice Beach Regulars: Painting the
Unseen Faces Around Us. He has been illuminating the faces of the homeless, and their humanity and pain. Stuart paints them on location, and he also collects their stories, histories, art and music. This project has been featured on KPCC Radio, and the front page of the Los Angeles Times for June 11, 2012. He has had a number of shows and sells his artwork.
Links: LA Times article:,0,4347380.story
Stuart's website:
A reception for the artist will be held on Sunday, August 5, at 11 a.m.