June, 2012
Step Up on Second Artists

At Step Up on Second, art heals. Member- artists paint vibrant landscapes with broad, colorful strokes. Writers create deeply stirring poetry. One member composes operas, his eloquent hands passionately conducting the next few new phrases before transcribing it all on paper. As one member’s symptoms of depression take hold, she paints a serene creek with overarching trees and she says she feels better. The paintings, music, and poems of Step Up's member-artists tell the true story of the ups and downs of their personal journey. “Do you know what the good thing about art is?” said one Step Up member- artist. “It helps me learn to be alone but not lonely.” The Creative Arts Therapy program at Step Up on Second helps member- artists channel thoughts and emotions, guides self-expression and discovery, and fosters progress towards recovery from mental illness. Please visit www.stepuponsecond. org and follow Step Up on Second on Facebook and Twitter.