January, 2019
Color Study by C. Nolan Fansler

January’s Art Wall, which kicks off with a reception on Sunday, January 6, features the collection Color Study by artist C. Nolan Fansler. The paintings in Color Study explore the moods expressed by various colors.

“While these paintings play with depth and projection they also encourage the viewer to notice how relative color is based on the note it’s layered upon. This observation made me think long and hard about the relativity of color and mood. The work in this show is on view because I discovered something new and rewarding in each piece,” he added.
Color Study 2 Color Study 3 Color Study 4
C. Nolan Fansler was born in 1990 and grew up in the Bay Area. He is a third generation self-taught painter. His work primarily plays with the boundary between figuration and abstraction where interpretation is most open. Nolan currently works out of his Highland Park studio in Los Angeles and is an assistant to Margaret Garcia and Frank Romero and a muralist for LA Works.

The Color Study exhibition will run through the end of January. It follows December’s Now and Then exhibit by Bettye Barclay.
Contact Art Director Beverly Alison for more information about exhibiting at our Art Wall events. For appointments, contact Nancy in the church office at assistant@uusm.org or 310-829-5436 x102. On Sundays, follow the signs to church parking. Handicap parking is available behind the church.