Other UU News & Events Archive
Mar 2005
Young People and Military Service are Topics for March 5 Workshop
A workshop for youth, young adults and their allies will explore the issuessurrounding military service on Saturday, March 5, 1:30-4:30 p.m.at the NeighborhoodUnitarian Universalist Church of Pasadena, 301 N. Orange Grove (corner ofWalnut), Room 23.
The meeting is sponsored by the Social Justice Advocacy Group and the ReligiousEducation Program of the UUAPacific Southwest District. The UUA's publication, "Informationon Military Service and Conscientious Objection" advises young people:
"Before you are required to register or enlist, take the time todevelop and thoroughly clarify your beliefs about war through reflection,study and conversation. You must reach your own conclusions based no yourmost central beliefs."