Other UU News & Events Archive
Do you dream of inexpensive vacation travel to interesting destinations whereyou can stay in the homes of friendly people who share your ideals and are happyto provide directions and advice for their area?
The UU bed and breakfast directory "UU're Home" (formerly "Homecomings") canfulfill your dream. For 27 years the organization has provided a network ofhosts in the US (and a few abroad) who enjoy making new friends and who arehappy to open their home to like-minded people.
Visit the website at UUreHome.com,where entries are updated whenever changes are made or new hosts are added.You can charge a membership to your credit card. The 2006 edition of the annualpaper directory will be available in April and can be ordered by sending a checkfor $18 (or $23, along with your e-mail address, for both the directory anda year's access to the website) to UU're Home, 43 Vermont Court, Asheville,NC 28806.
You can also become a host and be listed in the directory. Contact us at (828)281-3253 or at info@uurehome.com, andwe will gladly send you information about listing your accommodations.
Please wear white if possible - and dress for the weather. There will alsobe a free party for participants after the event, with donations accepted tobenefit the ArtistSalon's non-profit programming. The party will be held from5:00 p.m.-2:00 a.m. at CLUB 740, 740 South Broadway, L.A. 90014, and will includea complimentary buffet, film screenings and poetry readings. For more informationon both events, see ArtistSalon.com.
A Little Bit of Money Can Go a Long Way When Pooled Through Chalice Lighters
Would you like to contribute to the larger Unitarian Universalist community?Here's an easy way to be a participant in the growth of other UU churches. ChaliceLighters is a Pacific Southwest District organization that raises money to giveto churches for growth projects. There are three "calls" a year, each one askingfor $20 or more. That means a total commitment each year of $60.
That doesn't seem like much money, but it does grow. There are about 8000 membersof district churches. There are now 484 members of Chalice Lighters. If everyonegave $20 that would be close to $10,000. The actual amount is closer to $12,000because there are some who give more than $20. If everyone in the district joined,we would be able to give $160,000 to district churches for growth projects.That's a nice dream, but Chalice Lighters is growing and this small donationfrom you will help it continue to grow.
It's easy to participate. Just send a check for $20 to PSWD Chalice Lighters,12355 Moorpark St., Studio City, CA 91604. Your donation will go to the GranitePeak UU Congregation in Prescott, AZ. They have been operating without a classroombuilding, and will use the money for a modular building to house its religiouseducation classes.
When you send your check, you will be added to the mailing list. You will besent a notice for each call, explaining what church it is designated for andwhat the project is. And if our congregation has 10% participation, we may requesta grant ourselves. For more information, contact Carol Agate.
Positions Available for Youth and Adults at November YRUU Social Justice Conference
The 2005 YRUU (Young Religious Unitarian Universalists) Social Justice Conferencewill be November 10 to 14 in Philadelphia, PA. The conference brings togetherUU youth from all over the continent to learn how to organize grassroots campaigns,how to work with the media, and to educate one another about social justiceissues we can be involved in right now. This conference is where you can learnto put your UU faith into action. Three youth and two adult staff positionsare open. Conference registration and travel will be paid for staff. Informationis at http://www.uua.org/YRUU/events/pdfs/ysjcstaffapp.pdf.
Eleventh annual event sponsored by the UU Church of Rutland, VT. Enjoy thespectacular beauty of a Vermont Fall, select fro a wide range of tours and activitiesguided by UU hosts, stay in the home of a church member, all meals provided.For more information, e-mail uufoliagevermont@yahoo.com.
UU Service Committee Sponsoring Weekend Workshop Against Torture
Speak out with one voice against the use of torture by the United States byjoining the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee's Call for Justice weekendin Washington, D.C. from Sept. 24 to 26. The event will highlight the role ofthe U.S. government in sanctioning torture around the world. On Saturday, Sept.24, the UUSC will offer a series of workshops and panel discussions about therelevant legal, humanitarian, and security issues. On Sunday, September 25,there will be a Citizens' Trial, and on Monday, September 26, UUSC is askingthat all participants proceed to Capitol Hill to speak with their representativesand senators. If you wish to attend, please sign up as soon as possible. Formore information and to register, go to http://www.uusc.org/programs/STOP/trial.html
GLIDE is Looking for Speakers
GLIDE, Gays and Lesbians Initiating Dialogue for Equality, a volunteer, non-profitspeakers bureau is looking for volunteers to train as speakers in its work tocombat homophobia. Each year GLIDE makes over 200 presentations, largely inthe classroom setting. A GLIDE presentation served as the inaugural event toour own Welcoming Congregation process several years ago. Church member MichaelEselun is a cofounder and board co-chair. Flexible daytime availability, transportation,and e-mail access are a must. Any questions? Contact Michael Eselun.
The Pacific Southwest Chapter of the UU Christian Fellowship holds its nextgeneral meeting on Sunday, August 7, at 4 p.m., in San Diego at the meetinghouseof the First Unitarian Universalist Church, 4190 Front St. An ecumenical communionwill be celebrated, led by Ned Wight, UUA trustee. There will also be biblestudy and discussion. We invite participants to bring a dish to share at a potlucksupper following the service. Call Ned, (619) 463-4676, for more information.
Our September 4 meeting at 3 p.m. in Costa Mesa will focus on a review of JimWallis's book, "The Politics of God: Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the LeftDoesn't Get It." Bible study and worship will follow the discussion, and allare invited to stay for dinner at a nearby restaurant.
Clarence Darrow Justice Tour Comes to Costa Mesa on August 6
Clarence Darrow (1857-1938) was often referred to by the press as the "attorneyfor the damned" and the "lion of the courtroom." Famous for his work in theScopes "Monkey" trial, Darrow fought against the death penalty, social injustice,racism, conspiracy laws, and civil liberties violations. He is considered bymany to be the most famous lawyer in history.
Gary L. Anderson of Redding, CA, is the country's foremost portrayer of ClarenceDarrow, with his Darrow performances being characterized as being in the sameleague as Hal Holbrook's Mark Twain.
On Saturday, August 6, Anderson will be bringing his Darrow portrayal to OrangeCounty for performances at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. at the Orange Coast UnitarianUniversalist Church, 1259 Victoria St., Costa Mesa. He will recount the greatesttrials of Darrow's career.
Advance tickets are $15 and tickets purchased the day of the event are $20.Proceeds will support the UU Legislative Ministry of California. For more informationvisit www.ocuuc.org
Colorado Rockies Camp Beckons
You are invited to a UU Camp in the Colorado Rockies from July 24 to 30. CampLaforet is an annual gathering of caring people who cherish community and life'sprofound experiences. It is held at the Colorado Rocky Mountain School in Carbondale,Colorado where the Crystal and Roaring Fork Rivers meet, between Glenwood Springsand Aspen. The program has something for everyone: workshops for adults, youthand children and a multitude of activities including drumming, dances of universalpeace, white water rafting and more. Check out the website: www.camplaforet.com
Register Early for Youth Camps
The PSWD Summer Youth Camps' registration forms are now available on the Campde Benneville Pines web site, http://www.uucamp.org
Please register early. Last summer, both the senior high and elementary wintercamps were full and people had to be turned away. To be sure your child hasa spot, please return your registration form and deposit as soon as possible.There is also an option to pay in full with PayPal and a credit card.
The dates for the camps are:
Sunday, July 10 to Saturday, July 16, for elementary grades2 to 6 (beginning this fall). Theme: "Let's Play! Exploring the seven principlesthrough games." Dean: Kevin Drewery.
Sunday, July 10 to Saturday, July 16, CIT Training (ages 15+and attended at least one Senior High Camp) Would you like to be a counselorat camp? Take the CIT Training. Facilitator: Kim St Clair.
Sunday, July 17 to Saturday, July 23, for junior high grades7 to 9 (beginning this fall). Project: Fun! Come to camp and play, explore thenatural environment, learn how we can positively impact the world. We'll hosta staff person from the Humane Education Project. We'll learn how we can lessenour footprint on the planet. We'll also have fun exploring Jenks Lake and themountains, playing your favorite games, and creating a UU community. Dean: BridgitPaparella.
Sunday, July 24 to Saturday, July 30, for senior high grades10 to 13 (beginning this fall). YoUUth Empowerment: May the Force be with YoUU.Youth Deans: Katie Plattner and Kevin Land. Adult Dean: Craig Block
See Alaska, Wild Creatures and More with UU Fellowship Members in July
Five Alaska UU fellowships invite other UUs to see the real Alaska for eco-spiritual/interculturalprograms in July. Visitors will stay in UU homes in Anchorage, Seward, Fairbanks,Juneau, and Sitka and enjoy discussions and dinners with Alaska UUs. They willsee whales, sea otters, sea lions, seals, bears, moose, caribou, wolves, Dallsheep, puffins, eagles, and other birds in the wild from the Arctic Ocean tothe Inside Passage in the south. They will visit Denali's Mt. McKinley and Kenai'sfjords and glaciers and see totem poles, native arts, dancing, and storytelling.The Rev. Dick and Mary Weston-Jones will lead the tour. For additional information,see wuurld.org or phone toll-free (888)998-8753 for a brochure. Reservations are due April 1.
Connect with other UU Youth
ConnectUU is an online database of Unitarian Universalist youth and young adultgroups. You can find a group or event near you, register to get informationabout upcoming events and forming groups, and much more. Over two dozen newgroups and events have been added to ConnectUU in the past month - everythingfrom conferences to weekly Soulful Sundown services to movie nights to campusMinistry groups. So check it out. You may find exactly what you been lookingfor: http://www.connectuu.com
The Church of the Larger Fellowship Supports UU Members of the Military
The Church of the Larger Fellowship (CLF) can be a lifeline for someone whois far away from home and from her/his church community. Unitarian Universalistsstationed overseas in the military often find they benefit greatly from beingmembers of the CLF. The CLF provides an e-mail discussion list for UUs who arein the military, and offers the support of a UU military chaplain. If you knowsomeone active in the military who could benefit from some UU sustenance andsupport, please tell them about the UUMIL discussion listserve, which can besubscribed to at http://lists.uua.org/mailman/listinfo/uumil
UUA Assistance is Online
Whatever your major church activity is, the UUA probably has some materialto help you. Go to http://www.uua.org/programs/layleaderto see the areas for which there are questions and answers. Links at those locationsmay lead to other places where information is available.
UU Bed & Breakfasts Listed in Directory
Do you dream of inexpensive vacation travel to interesting destinations whereyou can stay in the homes of friendly people who share your ideals and are happyto provide directions and advice for their area?
The UU bed and breakfast directory UU're Home (formerly Homecomings) can fulfillyour dream. For 25 years, it has provided a network of hosts in the United States(and a few abroad) who enjoy meeting new friends and who are happy to open theirhome to likeminded people.
You can also become a host and be listed in the directory. Contact the directoryat info@uurehome.com to get informationabout listing your accommodations.
UU're Home has recently launched a new website at UureHome.com,where entries are updated whenever changes are made or new hosts are added.The paper edition, which is published every year in April, is still available(and has many more listings than the website). For a copy of the 2005 directory,send a check for $18 to UU're Home, 43 Vermont Court, Asheville, NC 28806.
GA in Fort Worth, June 23 to 27
The Unitarian Universalist Association's general assembly is coming up again.Did having it in Long Beach last year whet anyone's appetite for going to Ft.Worth this year? The dates are June 23 to June 27, and information is availableat http://uua.org/ga. If you would likemore information, contact Carol Agate. And if you have decidedto go, let Carol know if you would like to be a delegate.
Three UUA Summer Conferences are Scheduled for Young Adults
Three UUA conferences this summer are great leadership development opportunitiesfor young adults 18 to 35. Due to an unprecedented outpouring of generosityfrom the community, a significant amount of money is available for scholarshipsthis year.
The first conference will be the Young Adult Caucus, held during the annualUUA General Assembly, June 23 to 27 in Fort Worth, TX.
Opus, the annual spiritual retreat for young adults, is a weeklong conferencein a camp setting and will be held August 6 to 11 in Boone, IA. ConCentric,the annual business meeting/leadership conference for young adults from theU.S. and Canada, will be held August 12 to 15 in Boone. Both events have worshipand workshops, and they are great ways to connect with other UU young adults,learn leadership skills, and have fun.
Additional information is available from the UUA young adult/campus ministrywebpage:
To submit a scholarship application online, go to
The UUA is Honored for Leadership in Promoting the Freedom to Marry
The Religious Coalition for Freedom to Marry (RCFM) honored the Unitarian UniversalistAssociation with its Peace and Justice Award for "outstanding leadership inhelping gay and lesbian couples attain and preserve their civil right to marry."The award, presented by Rabbi Devon Lerner, Co-chair of the RCFM, was acceptedby the Rev. William G. Sinkford, President of the Unitarian Universalist Association,in a luncheon and ceremony at the Massachusetts State House. The Religious Coalitionfor the Freedom to Marry is a seven-year-old organization with 600 clergy andcongregations as members. More than 4,000 same-sex couples have wed in Massachusettssince such marriages became legal in May.
Visit the Wine Country with UUs This Summer
The UUs of Napa, CA, invite you to enjoy two of America's most scenic valleys,Napa and Sonoma, this summer.
Your hosts will help you choose from over 600 wineries and hundreds of worldclass restaurants, COPIA (the American Center for Food, Wine and the Arts),Jack London's home, Francis Ford Coppola's winery and movie museum, art galleries,miles of trails with breathtaking views and more.
Locally savvy UU guides will drive you to selected wineries, historic sitesand mountain trails with breathtaking views. You will stay in UU homes for goodconversation, good breakfasts and warm hospitality.
The wine country excursions are offered in June, July, and August. Plan onthree nights with two days of touring. Fees are well below market rate for similarservices. All proceeds benefit the UU Fellowship of Napa.
There will be a Human Rights Forum sponsored by UUSC on May 14, at Troop MemorialChurch, 300 S. Los Robles, Pasadena, at the corner of Del Mar.
The conference program includes the following speakers and topics:
The Pacific Southwest Chapter of the UU Christian Fellowship will hold itsnext general meeting on Sunday, April 3, at 3 p.m., at our Costa Mesa church.Iris Jue will moderate a discussion on "Our lives as UU Christians: How do wekeep our strength growing as Christians? Do we have a special purpose in beingamong our fellow UUs?"
There will be refreshments followed by a brief study session. Let us know ifyou plan to bring children to the Christian Education class. David Miano willlead the worship service at 5 p.m.
The Santa Monica UUCF Prayer Group meets the first Sunday of each month, betweenfirst and second services. Contact Achim Jung or IrisJue for more information.