Other UU News & Events Archive
Michael Esalun's Trip to the Holy Land
Michael Esalun has published an article about his recent trip to the Holy Land. Read about it at http://www.connotationpress.com/creative-nonfiction/1931-michael-eselun-creative-nonfiction
L.A. ZUU DAY | Saturday, July 13th (10am – 1pm)
Two upcoming events of interest at the UU church in Studio City. See items below for contact/RSVP info:
Tie-Dye for the 4th of July Saturday, June 29, 1pm
Bring your own pre-washed cotton shirt or similar sized items. We will have gloves and all the other materials ready for you to make your own red, white and blue freak flag fashion statement.
3rd Annual Dandelion Wine Read-Aloud Saturday, July 20, 3pm
This time we will be reading the stage adaptation of the novel...lots of parts for multi-age readers...10ish years old on up.
Refreshments and childcare provided.
Nonviolent Communication Conference Update
First Unitarian Church of Los Angeles to Install Rev. Rick Hoyt as Settled Minister
The congregation of First Church invites Unitarian Universalists in the Los Angeles area to join them in celebrating the Installation of the Rev. Rick Hoyt. The service will be held on Sunday, March 24, at 4 p.m. in First Church’s Fritchman Auditorium. A combined choir from L.A. area UU churches will sing. Other events during the weekend include a bicycle tour of the history of First Church in the downtown area (Saturday at 10 a.m.), and a public witness in support of marriage equality (Sunday at 3 p.m.). A reception follows the service.
For more information about the weekend’s events check out First Church’s Facebook page at: facebook.com/firstunitarianchurch.
For more information about the marriage equality event go to: lighttojustice.org
Parking is limited. Please consider riding the subway to the Wilshire/Vermont station.
Rev. Hoyt is well known to congregations in the Los Angeles area. He was once a member of UUCCSM, did an internship with the Studio City church, served the Verdugo Hills and Santa Clarita congregations, and has been a popular guest preacher throughout the area. He currently serves on the Board of the UU Legislative Ministry. He began his service with First Church in February 2009.
UUA Resources for Disaster Aftermath
To help Unitarian Universalists and their communities in the aftermath of the tragic shooting in Newtown, Connecticut on December 21, the Unitarian Universalist Association has collected a variety of pastoral resources.
These resources include a Tapestry of Faith workshop on Making Meaning after Disaster, selected meditations and readings, several blog posts and articles, tips and fact sheets, a video Q&A, and book recommendations.
You don’t want to miss this year’s UU Service Committee Southern CA Unit’s
Latin American Encuentro
at Throop Memorial Church in Pasadena, 300 S Los Robles Ave
Saturday, October 13,10:00-4:00
We are proud to feature 3 locally famous speakers:
· Blase Bonpane from KPFK Radio and Director of Office of the Americas
· Gustavo Arellano, editor of the OC Weekly, author of several books, and editor of column “Ask a Mexican”
· Sociology Professor Norma Chinchilla, Long Beach State University, author of several books and articles about Latin America and Women
The theme for the day is
The Mexico/U.S. Border: Immigration Issues Affect Us All
After the speakers and lunch (vegetarian options included), there will be time for breakout groups including
· DREAM students
· Immigration detention visitation and bonding out programs
· Taking Action / UU Legislative Ministry
To register mail your completed registration form with a check to UUSC before Friday, October 12th (for a discount) to Ruth Shapin, 2000 E 4th St. #120, Santa Ana, CA 92705.
Reserve by phone: (714-567-0188)
Suggested donation: $20 with pre-registration, $25 at the door, Students $5.
No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
Please use a separate sheet for each attendee with a different address.
Name(s): ________________________________________ How many attending? _____Amount Enclosed? ______
Address: ________________________________________ Phone: ___________________
City and Zip: ____________________________________ Number of lunches required? _____ Student? _____
Email(s): ___________________________________________
Sponsored by: UU Service Committee, Southern California Unit
UU Women's retreat atCamp de Benneville PinesCamp de Benneville Pines is proud to announcethe theme and keynote speaker for the annualUU Women's Retreat on May 13 to 15, 2011."Awakening the Muse, Nourishing the Spirit" promisesto be an inspiring weekend for women from throughoutthe Pacific Southwest District (PSWD). With over half thebeds already sold, we are expecting this event to sell outearly. So if you needa bottom bunk, don'tdelay in registering. A$75 non-refundabledeposit is required tohold a space.
"The muse is thatwhich inspires andinvokes our creativeself, the expression ofwhich connects us toour spirit." Rev. ErikaHewitt from the Live Oak Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Goleta, CA, will explore the questions of whatforms the muse can take. How do we cultivate a deeperrelationship with the Source of inspiration and creativity? How does nourishing the spirit go beyond simpleself-care and enter the realm of spirituality? How mightwe live from a place of greater centeredness, spiritualdepth, compassion, and interconnectedness? Rev.Hewittwill also offer a Saturday afternoon workshop titled"Yoga as Spiritual Practice."
Hiking, relaxing, drumming, music making, crafting,dancing, and singing are justsome of the activities that willbe offered during the weekend.Self-care with yoga, massage,facials, specialized workshops,and hot-tubbing will also beavailable. Please join yoursisters at the 2011 UnitarianUniversalist Women's Retreat.Rediscover your essential spiritas you engage your mind, bodyand soul through art, inspiration play, and renewal.
To download a flier toshare with a friend or to register for this event, go towww.uucamp.org. Click on COME TO CAMP and thenWOMEN'S RETREAT. Should you wish to reach thecamp directly about this event, e-mail Melissa Blackwell,Camper Liaison Coordinator, at registrar@uucamp.org, or call (909) 794-1252.
Ten years ago a few visionary California UUs sawthat our state would benefit from a dose of UU values.We began with borrowed offices, one part-time staff
person, and a deeply committed team of volunteers.Over these years we have focused on issues that matterto our congregations, expanded the staff, and developedthe ability to offer new ways for congregations to participatein social justice movements across the state. Wehave sent valentines to support Marriage Equality,mailed faucet postcards to support the Human Right toWater, and made phone calls in support of Health Carereform. Our mission is to involve California UUs insharing our values in the public square. Thank you forthese ten years. We’ll be celebrating this milestone inmany ways during 2011. The first is a gala in OrangeCounty on January 22.
For more information go to www.uulmca.org, or findus on Facebook.
Members of the Unitarian Universalist Church ofArlington, Virginia, are opening their homes to fellowUUs from January 16 to 22 for lodging during President-elect Obama's inauguration. Accommodationsrange from sleeping on the sofa to a private room andbath, priced accordingly. All homes are convenientlylocated in the D.C. metro area (mainlyArlington/Alexandria/Fairfax, Virginia) and accessibleto the metro subway system. You don't have to missout on this exciting historical event. This is afundraiser for UUCA-all proceeds benefit thechurch. To request a reservation, pleasevisit www.uucava.org and click on "UUCAHosts4Change."
Save on Travel; Stay with UUs
Do you dream of inexpensive vacation travel tointeresting destinations where you can stay in thehomes of friendly people who share your ideals and arehappy to provide directions and advice for their area?
The UU bed and breakfast directory "UU're Home"(formerly "Homecomings") can fulfill your dream. For29 years, it has provided a network of hosts in the UnitedStates (and a few abroad) who enjoy meeting newfriends and who are happy to open their homes to likemindedpeople.
You can also become a host and be listed in thedirectory. Contact us at info@uurehome.com, or at (828)281-3253, and we will gladly send you informationabout listing your accommodations.
Host listings on the UU're Home website atUUreHome.com are updated whenever changesare made or new hosts are added. The paper edition ispublished once a year in April. For a copy of the 2009directory and a year's access to the website listings,please click on "become a member" to pay by credit cardor send a check for $25 and your e-mail address to UU'reHome, 43 Vermont Court, Asheville, NC 28806.
The UU Service Committee
Southern California Unit and Interfaith Communities United for Justice & Peace (ICUJP) are sponsoring the 24th Latin America Encuentro on Immigration and U.S. Policy in Latin America on Saturday, October 18, 10a.m. to 4p.m. Registration starts at 9:30 a.m. at Throop Church in Pasadena. Please pick up fliers at the Faith in Action table in Forbes Hall.
UUA is Working on Revision of Principles and Purposes
The commission on appraisal of the Unitarian UniversalistAssociation has been working on a revisionof the principles and purposes. The majorchange is the inclusion of an explanation of each principle.Below is only the amendment to section C-2.4,which is the statement of the principles. Only minorchanges were proposed for the actual principles, butthe commission has added explanations of each one.
To see the original, go to uua.org. Click on aboutus (at the top of the screen). Go to bylaws, then chooseprinciples and purposes. To see the proposed revisions,go to uua.org/coa and click on the word "draft."If you would like to join a discussion of these changes,please let me know ((310) 452-3321 orcarolagate@mac.com) as soon as possible. If there area few of us who would like to join this discussion, I willset up a meeting. Note that the deadline for a congregationalresponse is October 16. Our deadline to getthe board's approval for us to respond as a congregationis October 14.
You are invited to make your own commentsabout the proposal, but it is always better to discuss adraft with others. For example, I might not havepicked up the problems in section 2.5 with the phrase:"We encourage the fullest participation allowed bylaw" if others had not been discussing it on the EqualAccess e-mail list.
The revised section 2.4 is:
In order that we might work together in harmonyto make our communities and our world morelikely to protect and nurture all that is positive andhopeful; and in order that members of our congregationsmight find spiritual challenge to becometheir best selves as they worship and worktogether to create the Beloved Community,we, themember congregations of the Unitarian UniversalistAssociation, covenant to honor and uphold:
At the core of Unitarian Universalism is recognitionof the sanctity of every human being acrossthe lifespan.We are relational creatures, capableof both good and evil. We have experiencedenough brokenness, including in ourselves, toseek the power of forgiveness and reconciliation.We are called to make choices that help to healand transform ourselves and the world, and tomove toward solidarity with all beings.
Grateful for the gift of life and mindful of our ownmortality,we seek to respond with generosity andloving action. We are called to live in right relationshipwith others.
We seek to enter dialogue with one another inmutual love and respect, honoring our variedbackgrounds and paths.We are called to stretchand deepen our faith through religious education,creative engagement, and spiritual practicein our congregations and in our lives.
Unitarian Universalism is an evolutionary religionthat encourages and supports lifelong spiritualexploration. Unitarian Universalist religiousauthority lies in the individual, nurtured andtested in congregation and wider community. In aspirit of humility and openness, we are called toseek truth and meaning, wherever found, throughexperience, reason, intuition, and emotion.
We seek to ensure that all voices are heard, especiallythose often left out on the margins.We arecalled to promote fairness, accountability, honesty,and transparency.
We seek to create, sustain, and celebrate multigenerationaland multi-cultural communitieswhere oppression cannot thrive and where hopeand peace flourish.We are called to counter legaciesof injustice and to foster reconciliation.
Inspired by the beauty and holiness of the Earth,we become more willing to relinquish materialdesires.We recognize the need for sacrifice as webuild a world that is both just and sustainable.Weare called to be good stewards, restoring theEarth and protecting all beings.
As free yet interdependent congregations, weenter into this covenant, promising to oneanother our mutual trust, kindness, and support.Should we break this covenant, we will seek torepair the relationship and recommit to thepromises we have made.
- Carol Agate,Association/District Representative