Other UU News & Events Archive
Sponsorted by the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee - Southern California Unit and the Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace (ICUJP).
- Wayne Cornelius, Center for Comparative Immigrant Studies, University of San Diego
- Paula Cruz Takas, Mayor's Ofice of Immigrant Affairs, Los Angeles
- Raul Hinojosa-Ojeda, Latino Studies, UCLA
- Blase Bonpane, Office of the Americas, "The New Wave in Latin America"
Saturday, October 18, 2008
10:00 am. to 4:00 p.m.
Throop Church
300 S. Los Robles Ave.
Pasadena, CA 91101
(626) 795-8625
Registration starts at 9:30 a.m. Suggested donation: $20/pre-registration; $25 at the door. Vegetarian lunch for the first 100 registrants. Students with ID free. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
For more information, Call Ruth Shapin at (714) 567-0188.
Please bring your old eyeglasses for Nicaragua.
There are Two Ways to Go to General Assembly
Last year's UUA General Assembly in Portland, OR, was apparently moreappealing to our congregation than this year's in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. We don'thave many people attending and won't be using all our delegate slots. If youwould like to attend, contact Carol Agate or see MelindaEwen in the church office.Each year virtual GA grows, and this year many events will be on line atuua.org/events/ga. The dates are June 25 to 29, so check in and see what'shappening.
- Carol Agate
Consensus Process Training Offered
If you are interested in learning the process forformal consensus,Westside Cohousing, a group thatincludes several church members, will be meeting onJuly 20 for a day of consensus training. Contact CarolAgate if youare interested in participating.
UUSC Human Rights Forum on April 12
"Globalization, Immigration, and Poverty" is thetimely theme of the Annual UUSC Human RightsForum to be held on Saturday, April 12, at ThroopChurch, 300 S. Los Robles, Pasadena. The keynotespeaker is Steve Spanier, executive director of ReclaimDemocracy, an organization that is dedicated torestoring democratic authority over corporations.The event runs from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. andincludes a vegetarian lunch. The cost is $20 with preregistrationor $25 at the door. Students are free withI.D. To register, download the flyer at http://www.he.net/~uusca/unit.htm.
District Assembly Coming to Del Mar
The Pacific Southwest District (CA, AZ, NV) of theUnitarian Univeralist Association is holding its annualDistrict Assembly on April 25 to 27 in Del Mar, CA. Wehave been allotted 10 delegates. Three of our membersare presenting workshops at this assembly. SandraTrutt and Robin Lowney-Lankton are co-leading"Implementation of UUA Statement of Conscience onClimate Change." Daniel Teplitz and two friends areoffering "Young Adult Circle Worship." To see the fulllist of workshops, go to pswduua.org. There isalso a copy of the full program and registration informationin the church office. A children's program is inplace for families with children up to middle schoolage. The assembly takes place at the San Diego MarriottDel Mar. Registration fee is $170. The hotel's discountedrate for this event is $119 - call the hoteldirect. For more information, please contact SandraTrutt.
PSWD Leadership School Attendees
Recent PSWD Leadership School attendees included Sandra Trutt (near center of photo). |
On Saturday, April 12, the Southern Californiabranch of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee(UUSC) is holding a forum at Throop MemorialChurch, 300 S. Los Robles Ave., in Pasadena. Issuesinclude globalization, immigration, and poverty.
The keynote speaker is Steve Spanier, ExecutiveDirector of ReclaimDemocracy.org. Other speakersinclude Anabella Trujillo, daughter of YolandaMorales, whose talk "Living in Sanctuary," will be followedby Lucia Munoz, Organizer of Southern CaliforniaUUSC, speaking on "The New SanctuaryMovement," and Rochelle McAdam who will speakon "Bonding Out." Afternoon action workshops willbe with Steve Spanier, Bonding Out representatives,and New Sanctuary Representatives.
The conference will run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.with registration at 9:30 a.m. The suggested donationof $20 paid with pre-registration (or $25 at the door)includes a vegetarian lunch for the first 200 registrants.No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
New UU Music Concert
Dana Decker,Director ofContemporaryMusic at theSepulveda UnitarianUniversalistSociety ("TheOnion"), has beenhard at work creatingsome new and exciting music for Unitarian Universalists.Dana is the leader of the church's very successfulSoulful Sunday services. On March 16 you are in fora different treat.
Dana is presenting an entire concert comprised ofhis original music, backed by some of the best musiciansin Los Angeles. His music brings his own love forcontemporary secular music to the UU faith with songswritten in the pop, rock, funk vernacular. It will be awonderful afternoon of inspirational music and a timefor singing, dancing, and joining together in our liberalreligious faith. This is a great opportunity to experiencethe future of contemporary Unitarian Universalistmusic.
Sunday, March 16 at 3 p.m.Sepulveda UU Society (the Onion)9550 Haskell Ave., North Hills, CA, www.valleyonion.org General admission $15; seniors 62+ and students $10;children 12 and under free
UU seminary studiesavailable for the laity
Starr King School for the Ministry is offeringonline courses for lay leaders and staff of congregations.Two courses are scheduled for thesecond half of the spring semester, for seven weeksfrom March 31 to May 19. The tuition is $220 each,with a 10 percent discount if five people register fromour church. The course descriptions are:
Polity, Governance and Structure: UnitarianUniversalist congregations are grounded in polity -their authority rests in the congregation itself, ratherthan in an outside entity. This course will describeorganizational structures common to congregationsof various sizes, relate governance practices to structure,staffing, and size, and provide models and toolsrelated to congregational polity and authority. Studentswill compare and contrast four structural models:policy governance (described by John Carver),independent, interdependent/collaborative, andteam. Each model will be considered in terms of linesof authority, staffing practices, and leadership.
Conflict Management for Lay Leaders: Thiscourse will provide methodologies for assessing, analyzing,and managing issues related to each of fivelevels and three types of conflict. Emphasis will be onprocedure- and resource-based conflicts. Studentswill examine their own conflict management stylepreferences, analyze case studies, and utilize systemsthinking to develop plans for managing conflicteffectively.
For more information, go to sksm.edu andclick on the "Seminary for the Laity" link. The registrationdeadline for these classes is March 1. If youare interested, contact Carol Agate.
Join a Women's Spiritual Musical Retreat
Acclaimed "Spirit of Life" composer, feminist,activist, and poet Carolyn McDade will lead a women'sretreat February 22 and 23 for singers and non-singers.Celebrating our ninth year of gathering in the L.A. areato sing our vision of a transformed world, a circle ofwomen from various faith traditions meets Fridayevening and all day Saturday. It's more about the community,heart, and spirit than about proper singing ofnotes printed on paper. We join in the circle to create aholy space, "... to let story and song move you deeperinto yourself." Carolyn's new CD focuses on the EarthCharter and is available fromcarolynmcdademusic.com. The retreat is created by anad hoc group and will meet at the United Church ofChrist in Simi Valley. Registration, limited to 40, is $70plus hotel accommodations. For further information seethe recent UU World feature article,http://www.uuworld.org/life/articles/35893.shtml, or contactJoyce Holmen.
Asian/Pacific Islander UUs Offer Weekend Community-Building Retreat
From February 15 at 6 p.m. to February 17 at 6 p.m.,UUs of Asian/Pacific Islander (API) ancestry and theirfamilies are invited to a Community-Building Weekendin Pasadena. It is hosted by Throop Church and sponsoredby the Asian/Pacific Islander Caucus of DRUUMM (Diverse Revolutionary Unitarian Universalist MulticulturalMinistries).The weekend will include seminars, caucusing, worship,games, and field trips to Los Angeles area ethnicenclaves and museums. There will be concurrent programsfor children and API allies. For registration/hoteland scholarship information, contact Vivien Hao at conference@apiuu.org. Check out the latestnews at www.apiuu.org
UUA General Assembly is Coming
Ft. Lauderdale in June is not quite as delightfulas Portland in June, but this year that's where theUUA General Assembly is, so that should make itdelightful. We had a lot of people attending GAlast year in Oregon; I hope we can do the same inFlorida.
Before GA there is a program called "UU University."This year the focus is on learning strategiesand skills for leading theologically diversecongregations and how congregations can have apositive impact on a theologically diverse world.
Get more information on General Assembly atuua.org/events/uuuniversity
- Carol Agate,Association/District Representative
Enjoy a UU Vacation
Do you dream of inexpensive vacation travel tointeresting destinations where you can stay in thehomes of friendly people who share your idealsand are happy to provide directions and advicefor their area?
The UU bed and breakfast directory UU'reHome (formerly Homecomings) can fulfill yourdream. For 28 years, we've provided a network ofhosts in the United States (and a few abroad) whoenjoy meeting new friends and who are happy toopen their home to like-minded people.
You can also become a host and be listed in thedirectory. Contact us at info@uurehome.com and we will gladly send youinformation about listing your accommodations.
Host listings on the UU're Home website are updated wheneverchanges are made or new hosts are added. Thepaper edition is published every year in April (andhas some listings different from those on the we bsite).For a copy of the 2008 directory and a year'saccess to the website listings, please click on"become a member" to pay by credit card or senda check for $25 and your e-mail address to UU'reHome, 43 Vermont Court, Asheville, NC 28806.
23rd Latin American Encuentro -- Immigrants: The Call for Justice
The 23rd Latin America Encuentro, sponsored bythe UUSC (Unitarian Universalist Service Committee)Southern California Unit, addressed the question: howcan the UU community respond to the threatening situationconfronted by immigrants, who have been subjectto raids at their homes and workplaces, detentions,and deportation, in many cases resulting in separationfrom their children and other members of their families?Moises Escalante, of the Interfaith Coalition forImmigrant Rights, described the immigrant experienceand pointed out the contributions of immigrants,including the fact that undocumented immigrantscontribute an estimated $7 billion to Social Securityand $1.5 billion to Medicare annually.
In the keynote address, the Rev. Alexia Salvatierra,executive director of CLUE (Clergy and Laity Concernedfor Economic Justice) stressed the importanceof making immigrants visible and giving them a voice,and described the trajectory of four undocumentedimmigrants who have sought sanctuary through theNew Sanctuary Movement. There are now 37 cities thathave sanctuary churches, and there are five in SouthernCalifornia. At least two of them have been targetedby demonstrations by Minutemen and other right winggroups. (Further information on the New SanctuaryMovement can be found at www.newsanctuarymovement.org)
Peter Schey, attorney and president/executivedirector of Center for Human Rights and ConstitutionalLaw, discussed the need for a comprehensive immigrationreform that would, among other provisions, provideopportunities for undocumented immigrants witha clean record to legalize their status, and create a systemfor a rational distribution of visas that meet laborneeds in the U.S. Several immigrant rights, labor, andcommunity groups met in January 2007 and drew up aproposal, the Unity Blueprint for Immigration Reform,available at www.unityblueprint.org, identifying theissues that should be included in such a reform.
Conditions in the San Pedro detention center, oneof the centers where immigrants rounded up by immigrationauthorities are held pending deportation, weredescribed by Dominique Quevedo, an attorney. As shepointed out, many immigrants have been forcibly separatedfrom their families through roundups at theirhomes or workplaces. Those whose hearings are pendingare entitled to be bonded out; the Immigration TaskForce of the Southern California UUSC is trying to raisefunds for bond money. (A few days after the Encuentro,the San Pedro center was shut down without warningto detainee families or their lawyers, and detaineesmoved to other detention centers as far away as Texas.According to authorities, the measure is a temporaryone for preventive maintenance and the center will bereopened in four to six weeks.)
The Encuentro, which took place on October 13,also included workshops indicating how people canbecome involved in different initiatives on behalf ofimmigrants.
- Nora Hamilton
Why don't we grow? We're so welcoming!
A Workshop on Growth for UU congregationsin the LA/Valley Cluster
Saturday morning, September 29 (9:30 to 12:30)
UU Church of Studio City,12355 Moorpark Street
Coffee, tea, juice and an assortment of tasty breakfast items will be served!
The Rev. Peter Morales, senior minister of one of our fastest growing UU congregations, will be the keynote speaker at a presentation and workshop on the theme “Why don't we grow? We're so welcoming!” Peter Morales is perhaps best known for his succinct distillation of the key to membership growth:
“Repel fewer visitors.”
See for yourself what his congregation has accomplished at www.jeffersonunitarian.org
Congregational leaders and members of the Membership Committees from UU congregations in the LA/Valley cluster are especially invited, although all who are interested in exploring deeply the impediments we place in the way of congregational growth, and how we can overcome them, are cordially invited.
The meeting will focus not only on suggestions for individual congregational growth, but also on how neighboring churches in the cluster can help each other strengthen their congregations by working together. Participants in this workshop will have an opportunity to share what has worked for them and to learn the same from other congregations. Come and obtain a sense of how much vitality and diversity new members can bring to a congregation. Learn of the joy which new members feel in having found a safe, truly welcoming church where they may enhance their spiritual journeys. Hear of the deep satisfaction that Membership Committee volunteers can experience.
We all have warmed ourselves at fires we did not kindle and we have drunk from wells we did not dig. Join fellow UUs in learning how to kindle fires and dig wells so that others can receive what we ourselves have been given.
General Assembly in Portland, OR
The UU's General Assembly will take place in Portland, Oregon, this yearfrom June 20-24. Details of the program, events, housing, volunteer opportunities,etc., are available at http://www.uua.org/ga/index.html.
Experience the Wider World of Unitarian Universalism
The annual district assembly of the PacificSouthWest District of the UUA will be meetingfrom mid-afternoon of April 27 to the morningof April 29 in Riverside. All are welcome to attend, butif you are a member of the church you may also be adelegate.
The meeting includes an opening celebration andkeynote speaker Friday evening, an annual meeting,workshops, and a banquet on Saturday. On Sundaymorning there is a breakfast and worship service. Fordetails on the program and a description of all 24workshops, go to pswduua.org.
The registration fee of $126 includes three mealson Saturday and breakfast on Sunday. Registration forSaturday only is $71. Youth registration is $76.
The keynote speaker is William J. Doherty, Directorof the Marriage and Family Therapy Program inthe Department of Family Social Science at the Universityof Minnesota. An active member of the FirstUniversalist Church, he has practiced as a psychologistfor over 25 years. Dr. Doherty is a dynamicspeaker to lay and professional audiences and is frequentlyinterviewed by print, radio, and TV media onfamily rituals. Among his books for parents is "PuttingFamily First," in which he discusses how today's familiessuffer from time famine, scheduled hyperactivity,and parental anxiety about how to combine love andlimits.
The Universalist Unitarian Church of Riverside iscelebrating 125 years as a congregation. Tours of theirhistoric church, downtown Riverside, and the MissionInn will be offered before and after the Assembly.
If you would like to be a delegate, contact CarolAgate.
GA to Be Held in Portland...and in Our Sanctuary
General Assembly (GA) will be in Portland, OR, thisyear from June 20 through June 24. This annualgathering of UUs is where the business of the UUA isdone. There are countless workshops to choose from andchances to worship with thousands of other UUs. It is anexciting and moving experience.
Have questions? Check out http://www.uua.org/ga website for official information or ask those of us who havebeen before! We'd love to hear from you if you are going tooand/or if you have any questions. Registration rates go upMay 1 and housing can be tricky, so don't delay. Just talk toCarol Agate, Jacki Paddock, Amelia Harati, or Karen Patch tolearn more.
If you cannot make it to GA, you can still be part of theprocess. This year there will be a new open meeting processcalled Open Space Technology, which will be used to planthe future of our congregation. We will have a meeting ofour members who are interested in discussing the GA topics.These topics will include the current Study/Action issueof Peacemaking, a final vote for the Statement of Conscience/Moral Values in a Pluralistic Society, plus the OpenSpace topic and what work we have done in the areas ofAnti-Oppression and Anti-Racism. This meeting will helpour delegates know where we in Santa Monica stand. Moreinformation will follow.
- Karen Patch
District Assembly Registration Underway
District Assembly registration brochures are available now at http://www.pswduua.org/pages/district-assembly.php andsome printed copies are available in the church office. It is importantto get your registration in before April 2 when the price goes up! Registrationforms must be mailed to the PSWD Office, 2052 Norma St., Oxnard, CA 93036
This year’s District Assembly will be held in Riverside, California,on April 27-29.
DA offers a great program for families. There is programming for childrenof all ages and this year’s keynote speaker, Dr. William Doherty, isDirector of the Marriage and Family Therapy Program in the Department of FamilySocial Science at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Accordingto Dr. Doherty, many of today's families suffer from time famine, scheduledhyperactivity, and parental anxiety about how to combine love and limits. "Wehave lost control of our time, and our family activities such as dinner, weekendoutings, and vacations have suffered. Many of us have also lost confidencein our own leadership with our children, treating them as entitled consumersof parental services who must be catered to." Doherty focuses attentionon what is happening in the frenetic, anxious culture of parenting. He encouragesfamilies to consider how "we can reclaim family time, revive family relationships,regain leadership as parents, and take back our kids."
Inaddition to hearing Dr. Doherty’s dynamicperspective on family issues, adults and youth have the opportunity to bepart of the UUA Consultation on Youth Ministry to help expand PSWD YouthMinistry programs. This series of exciting conversations will reviewdata from the UUA national survey, go in depth on issues on spiritual needsof youth, needs of junior high youth, congregational involvement, racialand sexual identity of youth and provide tools for creating exciting intergenerationalworship services.
Otherexciting aspects of DA are the opportunities it provides for celebration,fellowship and networking for young adults, Christian UUs, Board members,lay leaders, Green activists, other social justice activists, conservativeUUs, poets—in other words, everyone!
Sotake a mini-vacation in April. Activitiesbegin with the banner parade on Friday evening and end with worship on Sunday. Ifyou’ve never been to a District Assembly, gather in Riverside to seewhat you’ve been missing!
Abrahamic Faiths Peacemeking Initiative to Convene April 1
"War and its impact on U.S.-Muslim relations" willbe opened by Ali Mazurui, Albert Schweitzer professorof Humanities at Bingham University, New York. Discussionwill follow with Rabbi Leonard Beerman, Rev.George Regas, Dr. Maher Hathout, and Connie Rice,Esq. The program will be moderated by Edina Lekovic,at the Islamic Center of Southern California, 434 S. VermontAve. on April 1, with registration and reception at7 p.m. and the program starting at 7:30.
Scholarship Supports Study for Unitarian Universalist Ministry
Do you know an outstanding UU lay leader whohas started on her or his path toward ministry?This year's scholarship of $11,000 will supportone individual through the first year of seminary.
This scholarship is given by public recommendation.This is your chance to give back to an individualwho has been an outstanding lay leader in your congregation.Those who wish to submit a nomination shouldwrite a letter of recommendation showing a connectionbetween the individual's ministry and her or his lifegoals along with examples of strong leadership skills.
Send recommendation letters to: The Rev. Chuckand Nancy Thomas Scholarship, Attn: Chris May, 25Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02108 or to cmay@uua.org;or fax to (617) 742-2875. Recommendations must bereceived by April 15.
For more information about this scholarship contactThe Rev. David Pettee at (617) 948-6403 or throughChris May at cmay@uua.org.