When E'er You Make a Promise (Santa Monica)
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Rev. Kikanza J. Nuri Robins
Worship Associate:
Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijr
Our congregant and board member, the Rev. Dr. Kikanza Nuri-Robins, is an organization development consultant.
Ordained by the Presbyterian Church, she is a transtraditional minister who serves pastors, congregations and
spiritual organizations, including metaphysical, atheist, and the national UUA offices. She has studied UU history and culture at Starr King School for Ministry and helped design our Heart and Soul evening services.
Note that while Rev. Nuri-Robins will be preaching in Santa Monica, this is also our church weekend at Camp de Beneville Pines...and there will be a Worship in the Pines service there, led by Camp Dean Jacki Weber.