Toward Becoming Angels of Our Better Nature (Ending War)
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Rev. Greg Ward
Worship Associate:
Rev. Kikanza Nuri-Robins
Sometimes something around us (or within us) enters into some conflict. It's in these moments that our soul can feel torn - so attached to all it's been... yet, unable to deny that it is being called toward something new. There is an understandable loyalty to what has been - including that which we enlisted to protect us; and a humbling new possibility that helps us to know that we don't yet know everything we need to know. Some lessons have much to teach us about the price we pay for entertaining our woundedness instead of the angels of our better nature.
Once something great becomes divided and enters a period of struggle, yearning to reclaim some of what it lost in the struggle, it is important to look to both the distant and recent past. Some lessons have much to teach us about the price we pay for entertaining our discontentment instead of the angels of our better nature.