The Voice of Vocation - Saying Yes to Interdependence
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur
February Worship Series: The Voice of Vocation
The spiritual teacher Parker Palmer urges you to “let your life speak” by listening for the voice of vocation, your heart’s calling, in all you do. If your heart could sing, that would it say about your choices in life, work, family, spiritual growth, and community? In a proudly pluralistic community like ours, which includes many unique and differing voices, it can be challenging to build and amplify a common voice to speak courageously on the issues that concern us as a whole – yet this is our mission and our calling as a community. Join Rev. Rebecca and our worship leaders for The Voice of Vocation, a month-long exploration of listening, breaking silence, and amplifying our voices to lift up our deepest values.
February 28 Sermon: "Saying Yes to Interdepencence"
Vocation can be called “the practice of saying yes.” Some of us struggle to say yes to the help of others, even when we need it most. How can we change this to live into the blessings and challenges of interdependence, so that we can give and get the support we need?
Don’t ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go and do that because that’s what the world needs, people who have come alive.
- Howard Thurman, African-American writer, minister, and college chaplain