The Quest for Truth: First Things

Sunday, January 10, 2016
Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur
January Worship Series: The Quest for Truth
Each week in the words of our covenant, we affirm the quest for truth is our  sacrament. What is sacred or transcendent about the journey to discern, discover, uncover, and recover truth in our lives? Where has the search for truth brought you in your spiritual journey, and where are you headed next? Join Rev. Rebecca as she returns from her sabbatical with a four-part worship series to explore how the quest for truth makes a difference in our lives and our life together.
January 10 Sermon - First Things
The poet Philip Levine wrote, “Some things / you know all your life. They are so  simple and true / they must be said without elegance, meter and rhyme / they must be laid out on the table beside the salt-shaker, the glass of water…” Join us as we  welcome Rev. Rebecca home and return to the simple truth of spiritual growth, giving, service to others, and walking together into the new year.

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