The Larger Circle
Sunday, November 6, 2016 - 11:00am
Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur
YRUU Group, chalice lighters
Len Harris, special guest

[NOTE: No audio recording is available for this service.]
Sermon Text:
The Larger Circle
A Sermon for After Election Day 2016
Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur
UU Community Church of Santa Monica, CA
November 6, 2016
A difficult thing happened in the life of our congregation on Friday, which is when many of you first read a letter I wrote about my future with this congregation.
Here is what I said in that letter:
Dear Congregation,
It is with a full heart that I announce I will be resigning from my position as your minister at the end of the church year. My last Sunday in the pulpit will be June 4, 2017.
Since I accepted your call to ministry in 2010, I have been inspired by this congregation’s commitment to living out its values and putting its faith into action.
My life is richer because of you, and it has been an honor to walk with you in times of sorrow and celebration, in service to our congregation, our faith, and the greater community in Santa Monica and Los Angeles.
At the same time, this ministry has not been without challenges. Over the past year it has become clear to me that our congregation and leaders have multiple visions for the kind of church we would like to be, and the kind of future we want to build together. The Right Relations process we have begun together in good faith is a powerful foundation for the work that is still to come, which will help the congregation deepen in understanding of one another’s perspectives, identify core values, articulate its vision and mission, improve clarity in roles and governance structures, and continue a transformative shift in culture that will make possible a more vibrant future.
After deep personal reflection, consultation with trusted colleagues, and with the loving support of my family, I have decided that for this vital work at UUCCSM to go forward it is best that my ministry with you come to an end.
The Board of Directors has accepted notice of my decision on behalf of the congregation and supports my decision, and we have planned for a compassionate leave-taking that will allow me to serve as your minister through the close of the church year. With support from our Association, the Board will be preparing to hire a temporary minister with the skills to guide and support the congregation after my departure. There will be time for this process to unfold in the spring.
Over these next months, we will have a chance to celebrate the accomplishments of my time with you, while not denying the challenges we have faced together. During the spring, I will be participating in the UU ministry search process. Regardless of the outcome of my search, I will not be continuing at UUCCSM.
All are invited to a Ministerial Transitions Workshop with the Rev. Dr. Jonipher Kwong of our UUA Congregational Life Staff, at 12:30pm on Sunday, November 6, to learn more about the congregation’s next steps, and to be with one another in this time of transition.
The church office emailed this letter at 2:21; at 2:24, your first emails back to me began arriving, full of words like “brave” and “thank you” and “I support you,” and words like “heartbroken” and “sad” and “disappointed.” Some of you said, I’m really surprised. Some of you said, Well, I’m not surprised. One of you brought me a box of chocolates and said, Difficult news is better with chocolate. You are right about this. One of you said, some people are going to do cartwheels when they hear this news. You were sitting next to someone who was weeping at the time.
There are famous photographs that capture the moment when we heard the news. Our side won. Their side lost. Shock on one set of faces; elation on the others. And I want to be clear with you this morning: this is not one of those moments.
There is a story I know about our Universalist heritage, the side of our family tree that says that love is too big to keep anyone beyond its’ reach forever. I’m doing some theological translation with my language here, but this is what I believe. I believe- ulitmately- that there is no them. There is only us. I’m not saying we’ll get there today. I know anything that happens in our church right now brings up lots of different reactions, responses, and feelings, that we’re all over the map and I’m not asking you to pretend otherwise. But I am asking you to look at one another, not just your friends, but your companions on these seasoned pews, and to feel whatever it is you’re feeling. This is part of our congregation’s story now. Someday it will be even part of your history.
Our theme for the month of November is Story, my spiritual companions, and our question is, what does it mean to be a community of story? In this wild and crazy year, in this presidential election year, in this extraorindary time in the life of our congrgation, which stories do we repeat, and which stories do we ignore? Which stories to we remember, and how do we decide when it is time to leave behind the stories that no longer serve us?
Surely every congregation is a congregation of stories – the story of your first Sunday here, the story of the person who changed your life by inviting you in, the story of the way your child was raised and loved here like no other place you know. The story of the day they broke your heart, the deep disappointments we carry, we imperfect people in our imperfect church with its perfect principles. The story of how you chose to respond to that suffering.
My friend and colleague Lucas Hergert, is minister to our congregation in Livermore, California, outside San Francisco, and he believes that we come into community with one another for the purpose of telling our ultimate story, the story we rely upon to name and narrate our ultimate concerns. He says,
We are creatures that have a unique need. We need to sing our world into being. ... We humans are a narrative bunch, singing our words, our stories into the world. Humanity finds itself only by telling its story.
And he says, theology
Theology fits right in with this very human need. Theology is our ultimate story. It is how we name and narrate our ultimate concerns.
What is your justification for leading a compassionate life? To what are you accountable? How do you answer for the existence of evil? Are we surrounded by something greater that lures us toward what is good? These questions are irresistible; they name our place in the order of being. They set us within a living, moving narrative that gives us meaning and belonging. Theology—theology is the language we use to tell our deepest story.
To some the word theology may need some translation. Theos, God, ology, the study of; which is why I love how Lucas expands this term to encompass a much wider story: the story of your ultimate concern, whether that includes “God” or does not. The story that can only be told in what the religious scholar Cathereine Madsen called “the language of brokenheartedness and ardor and fear.” [ Catherine Madsen, The Bones Reassemble: Reconstituting Liturigical Speech. 2.] That’s the kind of deep story we’re talking about.
What is needed, vital, life-giving is to find the power and the voice to wrestle with irresitible questions, to call on the langauge of brokenheartedness and ardor and fear, and to do so in covneanted, committed, bounded and bonded community.
To dare to speak our stories and sing our lives into being is a powerful and a great gift for these anxious and uncertain times. A time when we are also struggling to find a common voice and a common vision for who we are as Americans, who we have been, and who we are becoming. The pundits call them narratives, which is another word for story.
The news, should you make the mistake of turning on or tuning in or opening up or clicking through or scrolling down through the news, the news is not good for your spirit, I have to tell you this, as your minister. The news will tell you a version of this story: that our country is engaged in a great war, a great battle, a high stakes game, and that our politics boils down to how many points each “side” is “winning,” and that everything that has ever happened in the history of time is now caught up in the outcome of this piviotal moment in our history.
It all hangs on this. It all comes down to Florida, or Ohio, or New Hampshire, or one county in Nebraska. Have you been hearing that? Reading that? Repeating that?
Now I know this is an extraordinary time. And I am expecting you all to vote and to participate in the democracy process, which is not only a right those who came before us fought and died for, but also a responsibility entrusted to us by our children, who cannot vote and ask that we do so for them, and remember them in the voting booth. And in our community, this is also a principle we covenant to affirm and promote, to support the use of the democratic process, which is our fifth principle and dear and vital for that reason.
But I also know that the struggle we are engaged in is for the long haul. We must remember that we are long haul people. One victorious election would not conclude it; one devastating election would not end it. So we are both Nov 8 people, deeply invested in doing our part to bend the arc toward justice right now, today, in powerful and life-giving ways; and we must also be Nov 9 people. We must also be Nov 9 peole who remember that whenever someone tells you the only options are winning or losing, we’ve all already lost.
Let me be clear. I hope my candidate wins on Tuesday. And I know that when I wake up Wednesday morning, my political and spiritual and theological priorities will still be what they are today and were yesterday and the day before that: I want to dismantle oppression, brick by brick, wall by wall. End police brutality that targets black and brown people. Add to the sum of love and justice in the world. I want to raise my and your children to be open, accepting, funny, and kind. Sing my imperfect life into being and walk together with imperfect communities made up of imperfect people. Because those are the only people and communities there are.
I want to deepen my understanding of the perspectives and life stories of other people, especially those will very different life experiences than my own, because as the Buddhist teacher Margaret Wheately told us, you don't fear people whose story you know. I have been afraid. Out in the woods alone and scared, just like Bear in our story today. Have you been there? But You don’t fear people whose story you know.
Whose story don’t you know - yet?
One of my good friends told me this, he said his father was voting for a presidential candidate he cannot support. And so he said to himself, I know my dad is not 100% wrong. And I’m willing to believe that I’m not 100% right. And he is my dad. And I am his son.
And one of you said, I know who he’s voting for, and he’s still my brother.
There’s the moment when we hear the news. And we look to see what is in the faces of the others around us. And if we are brave, we let what we are feeling show in our faces, and we will feel that. Really feel that. And then, the poet tells us,
We clasp the hands of those that go before us,
And the hands of those who come after us. and
We enter the little circle of each other’s arms.
Because it is in times like these that we know how much we belong to each other.
Please rise in body or in spirit and join in singing our closing hymn, #1064, Blue Boat Home. #1064.
When you leave this place,
When you leave this place, vote your values.
Not just on Nov 8 but on Nov 9 also, and Nov 10 and 11 and every day I’m asking you to
Vote your values
Canvass for courage
Phonebank for freedom
Go door to door for dignity
Check compassion
Elect equality
Mark mercy
Pick peace
Select solidarity
Bet on beauty and
Line up for love.
Remember that we are long haul people.
This story isn’t over.