The Hope Jar
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Jason Cook
There's a lot of talk about making the world a better place, but what exactly does that mean? And how do take action that truly helps people who may be very different from us? Guest preacher Jason Cook will explore how we go about creating a foundation of hope for the important work of building beloved community.
Jason Cook is currently the intern minister at the Anaheim Unitarian Universalist Church. He is pursuing his Masters of Divinity Degree at Meadville Lombard Theological School, where he is the recipient of the Bradburd Scholarship for Ministerial Excellence. He has also served Aids Services Foundation of Orange County as a state-certified HIVcounselor. After attending the University of Southern California, Jason worked in the arts before finally accepting the call to Unitarian Universalist ministry. He is married to Lawrence Ingalls and they live in the diverse community of Santa Ana where they have been engaged in social justice work for many years.