You Have to Ride the Wave (Online Service)
Sunday, April 26, 2020 - 10:00am
Rev. KC Slack
“… you had to constantly try to understand what was going on and how to survive in this space…and how not to…go under. You’re on your own, and then, politics is in your life. You have to ride the wave.”
~ Arundhati Roy
~ Arundhati Roy

Rev. KC serves as the minister of our neighboring UU Church of the Verdugo Hills, and continues their work as a hospital chaplain, their work as a sex educator, and as an individual spiritual director. In addition, KC is a UU scholartivist (scholar, artist, activist, and spiritual leader). They’re about all multiple everything: bi/pansexual, polyamorous, and pantheistic. Their work blends their mystic UU Pagan faith (don’t worry, they’ll happily tell you too much about it if you ask), ministry, radical politics, heavy theory, joy, art, and living a queerly fabulous life in LA. Let’s welcome them by participating in today’s service.