Lifespan Religious Education News Archives -- 2009

January, 2009

From Our DRE

What is the Religious Exploration programall about, anyway?We’re now halfway through our church year; it’s almost time for us to start planning for the next one, and the RE Council and I have some big questions for you.

Over the past couple of years we’ve been adjusting our programs and trying new things. I’m proud of the programwe’re offering.We’re asking the “big questions” —not because we think things aren’t going well. They are. But it’s important that we stay in touch with the whole congregation’s desires and dreams for our programs, and so we’re coming to you to start the conversation. This is especially important as our congregation begins to assess its overall identity and direction as part of our preparation for settling a newminister over the next couple of years.

This spring we will embark on an RE visioning process that will help us determine, as a whole congregation, what our priorities and goals are for the children and youth of our UUCCSMfamily. Thismonth, on both January 11 and 25, there will be a short “REVisioning” survey in the order of service which we hope allmembers of our church will take the time to fill out.Whether or not you’re a parent or volunteer in the RE program, we need to hear fromyou.What are themost important elements of our educationalministry to the youngest members of our community?Members of the RE Council will be on hand during coffee hour to take completed surveys and talk with you about your responses.

Next, the RE Council and I invite you to join us on the evening of Sunday, February 22, for a visioning meeting for RE at UUCCSM.We’ll provide dinner and childcare if you’ll show up to help us determine the future direction of our program. And then onMarch 22 we’ll share the results of our visioning with the whole congregation at a Town Hallmeeting following the 11 a.m. service.

What does REmean?

RE is where we create a community for our children to explore our seven UU principles.

RE is a supportive, loving setting where children’s authentic selves are nurtured and celebrated. RE is a community where our children can be safe and have fun.

RE is_______________________.

What does REmean to you?

Share your vision this spring, and help us turn the meaning into action.

— Catherine Farmer Loya