
You Have to Ride the Wave (Online Service)
“… you had to constantly try to understand what was going on and how to survive in this space…and how not to…go under. You’re on your own, and then, politics is in your life. You have to ride the wave.”
~ Arundhati Roy
Born and raised in small-town North East Ohio, our guest preacher, the Rev. KC Slack, comes from a large extended family and what they will tell you are “very rust belt” roots. The grandchild of factory workers and the child of factory managers, KC received a B.A. in Political Science from Case Western Reserve University. After graduation in 2016 from Starr King School for the Ministry, KC completed a year-long Clinical Pastoral Education residency at a mid-sized hospital in Burbank. KC was highly regarded by their peers and supervisors, as well as by medical and administrative staff throughout the hospital. They brought their broad education in world religions and their knowledge of liberatory theologies to their patients and classmates, and worked within the peer group to help future chaplains better understand how to care for LGBT+ patients.
Rev. KC serves as the minister of our neighboring UU Church of the Verdugo Hills, and continues their work as a hospital chaplain, their work as a sex educator, and as an individual spiritual director. In addition, KC is a UU scholartivist (scholar, artist, activist, and spiritual leader). They’re about all multiple everything: bi/pansexual, polyamorous, and pantheistic. Their work blends their mystic UU Pagan faith (don’t worry, they’ll happily tell you too much about it if you ask), ministry, radical politics, heavy theory, joy, art, and living a queerly fabulous life in LA. Let’s welcome them by participating in today’s service.
You'll Never Walk Alone
You, Me and Intersectionality
Young Adult Brunch and Tax Event
Are you new to doing your taxes? Do you want to know difference between standard and itemized deductions, or what "write it off" means? And what really is an audit anyway? Come to the young adult brunch in Forbes on March 24th after the Early Warning event for our long awaited bagels from Bagel Nosh, and hear Gar and Nina have a chat about tax basics just in time for the filing date on April 15!  We are asking everyone to chip in 5 dollars to help cover the cost of the bagels.  
Young Adult/Adult O.W.L. program
Young Adult/Adult O.W.L. program
Young Adult/Adult O.W.L. program
Young Adults Meeting - offsite
Your Choice - You may select the sermon

This will be what some people call a Question Box Sermon. I will attempt to build a sermon by responding to any written question or topic submitted to me no later than November 15. If I don't get any questions or topics, I'll probably do something about Edward O. Wilson's idea of the possible consilience of religion and science. Music David Ellis, guitar

Your Happy Place
Have you ever been told, Don't worry, be happy"? How can one be happy in times of stress, pain or turmoil? Who defines happiness? Come find out the answers to these questions and more. Join us in music, story, and ritual as Kathleen Hogue-DRE shares her "Six Keys of Happiness."
Your Money or Your Life
Your Scripture, or Your Life

In the UUA statement of Principles and Purposes the first of the six listed sources of our faith is direct experience. While we learn from other teachers, scriptures, and traditions, our own sense of spiritual truth is the foundation of our spiritual lives and the source of the other sources. The Rev. Ricky Hoyt, a former lay member of this congregation, now serves the Unitarian Universalists of the Santa Clarita Valley as their half-time minister.He lives in Burbank with his partner and two Dalmatians.