
Women's Spirituality Book Group

Announcing a women’s spirituality book club. This club is for those looking to find friendship and camaraderie and to nurture their spirituality amongst other like-minded women. The October book will be “Dance of the Spirit, the Seven Steps of Women's Spirituality” by Maria Harris. 

For more information contact Jessica Clay. Looking forward to seeing YOU there!

Jessica Clay

Women's Spirituality Book Group

Announcing a women’s spirituality book club. This club is for those looking to find friendship and camaraderie and to nurture their spirituality amongst other like-minded women. The December book will be “When the Heart Waits” by Sue Monk Kidd. 

For more information contact Jessica Clay. Looking forward to seeing YOU there!

Jessica Clay

Women's Spirituality Book Group

This month, the Women’s Spirituality Book Group will  explore chapters 4 through 7 of “Dance of the Spirit: The Seven Stages of Women’s Spirituality” by Maria Harris. We are trying a model of exploring a couple of chapters a month of our selections to allow for a more in-depth process and not overwhelm those already in other book groups. Come one come all and bring a friend.

Women+ Community
Women+ Community
Women+ Community
Women+ Community
Women+ Community
Women+ group gathering

Women+ Circle, Sunday, September 25, 2022, 12:00 pm. Courtyard Shade Structure. Potluck for lunch at noon, meeting to begin at 12:30. We will be learning about current Reproductive Justice issues and discussing ways to support action within California and beyond. All are welcome! To sign-up to help with the potluck please use this link.

Wonderful Watercolors Await on the Art Wall in November

Please join us to view the world through watercolor creations this November during our Art Wall Opening Reception: Sunday, November 5, from noon to 1:30 pm in Forbes Hall. Artist Kathy Wilczek will be on hand to share her thoughts and inspirations behind the pieces on display.

Wilczek grew up in the Boston area, where from an early age she was inspired to create art, often winning contests put on by the Boston Globe. Her passion led her to degrees in Fine Arts and Graphic Design; she taught Art and Art History in Illinois for over ten years. In Chicago, Lake Michigan replaced her New England ocean as she continued to explore art forms in every way possible. Her work was displayed and sold in art galleries and design studios throughout the Chicago area for decades.

Wilczek has studied and created a variety of art forms by working with oils, acrylics, mixed-media, sculpture, and most recently, watercolor. Wilczek’s influences include Van Gogh and “the whole Wyeth family.” Wilczek mentions, “My point of view is nature, whimsy, and generally illustrative. Color and how it effects other colors is something always on my mind.”

She and her husband retired and relocated from the Midwest to the Tucson desert six years ago. The vastly different surroundings, especially the mountains, inspired her to learn to paint with watercolors in order to express the dryness of the desert through water and color. She has developed an enduring love for the West Coast. Wilczek loves to visit Santa Monica and the Pier, finding new enchantment in the West Coast vibes and ocean fun. Although the two coasts she has lived on elicit very different feelings, to study both is her delight.

Contact our Art Director, Beverly Alison, for further info about this show or about exhibiting on our Art Wall.

Wondrous Glow (M. Valverde) - UUSM Vocalists
Words of Chief Seattle (A. Stephen) - UUSM Vocalists