YRUU - Valentine babysittingDrop off the kids for a Valentine's Day Date!
ReUU Santa Monica’s YRUU is hosting their annual Valentine’s Day babysitting event, Sat, Feb 11. Bring your kids to Forbes Hall from 5pm to 9pm where they’ll play games, make crafts, and eat yummy food. The price is only 30 dollars, and only 20 dollars for each additional sibling you bring. Let YRUU take care of the kids while you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!
Contact: Sanna Legan,
YRUU Annual Valentine's Day Babysitting Event It's that time again! YRUU is hosting thier Annual Valentine's Day Babysitting Event Please note: You may drop off your little ones BEGINNING AT 5:30PM, Please pick them up NO LATER THAN 10PM. THANK YOU! The youth of UU Santa Monica, also known as YRUU, want to make your February special this year by hosting their annual Valentine’s Day babysitting event! Bring your kids to Forbes where they’ll play games, make crafts and more! Let YRUU take care of the kids while you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day! Contact: Kathleen Hogue,
YRUU Babysitting Event |
YRUU Bake Sale |
YRUU Bake Sale |
YRUU Date Night Attention Parents! YRUU invites you to DATE NIGHT An evening for you to enjoy without your children. Your children will be supervised by members of YRUU and the LRE Committee for a night of movies, games and snacks. A simple pasta dinner (gulten free and vegetarian available) will be served. You may also send your child(ren) with their own dinner. RESERVE your spot by signing up at the LRE Table in Forbes Hall after services. A medical release will need to be filled out and signed when you drop off your child. Proceeds will go towards the YRUU Travel Fund which helps pay for youth to take part in anuuual social justice trips. Cost: 1 kid - $5/hr 2kids - $8/hr 3+kids - $10/hr (kids must be from the same family) Any Question Email Liza Cranis at
YRUU Fun Night |
YRUU Orientation Barbecue |
YRUU Orientation Barbeque |
YRUU Rehearsal |
YRUU Service In our annual YRUU Sunday Service, UUCCSM’s high school youth will lead a special service that utilizes the pop-culture zombie trend to explore themes of relationship and disconnection, finding your passion, and living in the moment. |
YRUU Service |