
Welcoming the Dragon
Welcoming the Stranger
Were most of your members raised in a Unitarian Universalist church (and would I still be welcome if I come from a different religious background or tradition)?

Some of our members were raised in Unitarian Universalist churches, but just as many have come to us from other faith traditions. We have many members who were raised Catholic, Protestant or Jewish, many who grew up (and may still remain) atheist or agnostic, and many whose spiritual journeys have led them to sample a wide range of religions throughout their lives. Unitarian Universalism draws messages from all of these, and more, and we welcome people from any and all theological backgrounds who are looking for a new, non-creedal spiritual home.

Westside Bi Social Chat

Hosted by Interweave in conjunction with amBI, L.A.'s Bi Social Community. Anyone who is bisexual, fluid, pansexual, queer, a friend/ally is welcome. For questions contact Judy Federick.

Westside Food Bank

Every Sunday we collect canned and non-perishable packaged food items to go Westside Food Bank. Simply bring your donation to church with you and put it in the bin during the Sunday service. Westside Food Bank is a non-profit agency that serves virtually all Westside nonprofit agencies that have kitchens or food pantry programs. Member agencies come to the food bank warehouse for weekly food allotments or receive food through Extra Helpings Westside, the food bank’s prepared and perishable food rescue program. WSFB distributes close to 4 million pounds of food a year to more than 80,000 local people, half of whom are children. 

Westside Food Bank 5k Hunger Walk - Offsite

This October, our Generous Congregation recipient is the Westside Food Bank. UU Santa Monica has a long relationship with Westside Food Bank: donating food, volunteering labor, and raising money. Most UUSM youth and young adults remember trekking over on a Sunday morning to sort food and learn more about hunger in our community. 


This year there’s a way that UU Santa Monica members and friends can support the Westside Food Bank and get some exercise in the process. Westside Food Bank is conducting their 31st 5k Hunger Walk virtually, October 17-24. And the UUSM Hunger Task Force is on the march!


We are doubling down to support Westside Foodbank with cash. They distribute to more than 70 local service agencies and can stretch a dollar like nobody’s business. The economy is improving, but even before the pandemic, an estimated one in five individuals in LA County lived with food insecurity.


If you are able, please join us to walk the 5K, on your own time, in your own neighborhood; or with the group on October 17. Yes, a real in-person group is walking October 17 at 2:00 pm. We’re starting at 18th and Arizona, but note that the church buildings and campus are is closed. This is a public, intergenerational event, so mask up and kids must have an escort.


If you’re not able to walk, please help the Hunger Task Force by supporting an individual walker or the team.

Lois Hutchinson and Jo An Peters will lead the walk, and all funds will go directly to the Westside Foodbank to help food-insecure persons in our communities. This is a way to have some fun, in addition to your regular support via Generous Congregation donations on Sundays.


Remember, lots of people are walking on their own time in their own neighborhoods, but we will be walking at 2:00 pm on October 17 starting at church. We are hoping to get ten walkers with ten sponsors each, raising $1000… or even more.  It's going to be super fun!  Everyone is welcome, kids, dogs, families, single folks, old and young… Come join us as we walk AND make a difference!

Westside Peace Festival (off-site)
Peace & Social Justice Committee invites you to the Westside Peace Festival Saturday August 27, 1 to11 pm, at the
Church in Ocean Park, 235 Hill St., Santa Monica 90405. Contact Greg Foisie for more information. Benefit for Veterans Tour for Peace coming this fall. (No regular PSJ meeting in August.)
Whale Rider The Reverent Subversive

The currently-playing movie Whale Rider depicts a community of indigenous people in New Zealand trying to adapt, survive, and thrive in the modern world. Despite the apparent differences from the situation of our own religious community, there is much we can learn about the creative tension between tradition and innovation from this charming film. Silvio Nardoni is affiliate minister of our church. Music Sarah Kirkup, flute

What About My Itinerary?

Michael, a member of our congregation, is a hospital and hospice chaplain, primarily at UCLA Medical Center. He will share some of what he has witnessed in serving those who are fighting cancer, and what he has learned. More importantly, he will invite us to reflect upon some of those themes as they may speak to those of us living in less dramatic, but nevertheless difficult circumstances.

What Are Earth-Based Spiritualities?

Dr. Kerry Noonan will talk about the commonalities among related spiritual movements that have emerged in the last thirty years, variously called Earth-Based Spiritualities or Neopaganism. She will also look at the distinctive features that differentiate them from each other, what these traditions have to teach us today, and how they dovetail with Unitarian Universalist principles. Dr. Noonan earned a Ph.D. in Folklore and Mythology from UCLA, has been following the path of the Goddess in earth-based spirituality for almost twenty years, and is ordained through Temple of Diana, a feminist religious organization dedicated to women and the Goddess. She teaches at UCLA and Cal State Northridge.

What Are We?

As religious identities blur with the impact of interfaith influences, the task of defining ourselves becomes more difficult. But the challenge is good for our souls.

What are You Waiting For?
December 3 is the first Sunday in Advent, the official opening of the Christmas season in the Christian calendar.  It is the week that we put up our advent calendars, and start the count down of shopping days, and holiday preparation routines, and available vacation time.  We spend much of our lives waiting for stuff.  Waiting in line, waiting for appointments, waiting for the big event.  What do you do while you are waiting?