
Walking Together

Unitarian Universalist historians describe our congregational way of organizing as walking together. At this juncture in the life of the congregation, let us explore more deeply what it means to be a faith community in our tradition. How shall we be together during this year of transition?

Walking Together: MLK Sunday
Walking Toward Trouble: MLK Sunday
Wandering in the Wilderness
Wandering in the Wilderness is about journeys and quests. About the journey not the destination. Not all who wander are lost.
The Rev. Michael Walker, who was ordained into the Unitarian Universalist ministry at the First UU Society of San Francisco in 2010, after completing studies at the Pacific School of Religion and in internship at the First UU Church of San Diego. For the next 11 years, he provided interim ministry services in Massachusetts, Washington, Pennsylvania, California and Illinois – in that order… Many cross-country moves! He has taken a hiatus from parish ministry to complete requirements for his PhD studies, and currently lives in Los Angeles.
Through his adult life, Mike has been a nurse, Navy veteran, ordained minister, and now a PhD Candidate in Clinical Psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute, after completing studies and currently working on a dissertation about trauma experienced in religious settings. He has therapeutic experience working with groups, adult and adolescent individuals, and adult couples, in secular and religious settings, including the military, LGBTQ+ and HIV communities, and in private psychological practices. He maintains his connection to the UU movement as a Community Minister.
Wanting Memories (Y. Barnwell) - UUSM Vocalists
Watching Movies for Fun or Meaning?

Some movies are for entertainment; others speak to us on a deeper level. What makes the difference is not the movie itself, but what we bring to the encounter.

Watching the Water Freeze

Henry David Thoreau's life offers a multifaceted model of growth and fulfillment. An accomplished naturalist, essayist, social critic, student of world religions, and contemplative, Thoreau realized himself not by travelling widely but by observing acutely his own little world.

Water as a Bridge - Water Communion Sunday (Return to Fall schedule - two services at 9 & 11 a.m.)
Water represents so many things to us as human beings.  It is a source of life.  It is also source of beauty and play.  It is also something that connects us.  Perhaps this is why it is also a deeply symbolic and religious element.  In this, our annual Water Communion ceremony, we will explore ways in which water helps and heals the mind, body, spirit and communities of which we are a part.   Please consider bringing some water that symbolizes that part of your life that is most important to you.  
We are a Justice-Seeking People
We are the Ones
We Carry Each Others' Hearts

An inergenerational service.

We Gather Together

What happens when we gather together for Sunday morning services? What role can worship play in spiritual growth and community-building and what can each of us do to make the experience meaningful? A community dialogue with Judith Meyer on this topic will be held Wednesday, January 7 from 7-830 p.m. in Room 4. Music Louis Durra, jazz piano