
What the World Needs, What Ministry Is; Why Me? Why Us? Why Now?

Our ministerial intern will present her first sermon to our congregation.

What to Know about Good and Evil While Being Trumped

Anyone who has seen the new Star Wars movie, the Last Jedi, knows that the difference between good and evil is not simple.  One can not look for Good in only the left or right of politics.  Cannot find right in only the top or bottom of class.  Evil is not just seen in the black or white of race.  Choosing Love and Courage over Hate and Fear is the religion of our times.  And such times it requires us to be able to see the multi-dimensionality of Love and Justice.  

What We Believe

All too often we characterize Unitarian Universalism as a faith that allows us to believe whatever we want. While we do make a lot of room for individual perspectives, we hold certain beliefs in common as well. Today I'll explain what they are. This sermon is a good introduction for newcomers and new members. Newcomer orientation takes place this Sunday as well, 1230-130, with Judith and Ofelia Lachtman. Invite a friend!

What We Choose

Rev. Rebecca and Catherine will switch places for this service, as Catherine leads worship while Rev. Rebecca visits our RE classes.

What We Grieve

Joan Didion’s recent book, The Year of Magical Thinking, has brought fresh insight to the experience of grieving. Yet her story is just like all our stories. Grief is a common human bond.

9 a.m. Chalice Lighting: Remarks by Karen Canady

11 a.m. Chalice Lighting: Remarks by Dayla McDonald

What We Talk About When We Talk About Money
What Went Wrong?

"Any deed that any human being has ever committed, however horrible," writes psychologist Philip Zimbardo in "The Lucifer Effect," "is possible for any of us -- under the right or wrong situational circumstances." Zimbardo gained this insight from close analysis of his own Stanford Prison Experiment, the abuses at Abu Ghraib, and other horrors of humanity. There is hope in his grim observations.

What Women Really Want
What do Women really want?  A minister - who is a man - takes a hard look at the denomination he serves and notices that it is very quickly becoming less and less by men, with men, for men; and looks at the trajectory of vision that is coming out of our general culture - also coming to terms with how the white / male dominate perspective has some serious humble pie to swallow if it really wants to understand freedom and justice for all people.  This is a sermon about coming to terms with 'What Women Really Want.' 
What Would Martin Say?

What words of encouragement would the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. have for us in these times? I won?t match his eloquence, but I will attempt to bring you his message. (Remarks by Rick Rhoads)

What You Ought to Know About the Affordable Care Act

On Saturday, December 7, the Faith in Action Commission of the Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Santa Monica will present , “What You Ought to Know about the Affordable Care Act.”  A speaker certified by Covered California, the state’s implementation of the Act, will provide information on who is eligible and how to enroll in the program as well as answer questions from the audience.  The speaker is sponsored by Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice-Los Angeles (CLUE-LA).

This event is free and open to the public and there is free parking at the UCLA garage on 16th St. just south of Arizona Ave.  

What's Doing?

Our nation and world face a very critical moment in our history. A juncture of faultline proportions is jarring our economy, our cultural/political life, and religious/philosophical perspectives. This moment calls for life decisions and action in both personal and community matters. Most of us sense this and want to act to better our world. Yet at the same time we experience a certain fear and confusion as to how we can creatively engage our life situations. How and where is it all going and what can we do about it? This morning's service will attempt to clarify what's happening and how we can assist one another to shape our lives for the better.

What's So Funny?

(One Service Only at 10:00 a.m.) Comic relief in between the holidays with a look into scientific research on what makes things funny. (One service only, at 10:00 a.m.)