
What's Your Story?
Our stories, or narratives, are complex, intertwined and constantly evolving. it is important to avoid a single story about anyone or anything. We are more than our labels. How has your story changed? How have you changed your story about how you interpret your world? Listen here to how Chimamanda Adichie has moved away from a single story.
When Angels Meet Giants
We are far greater than the sum of our parts. The evolution of the world depends on our ability to cultivate a greater appreciation of diversity and a more cooperative interdependence. That is what can be discovered in real, relevant, 21st century religious communities.
When are the services?

The Sunday service is currently at 10:30 a.m.  The service is both in-person and livestreamed, accessed via our Facebook page, our YouTube channel, and/or the front page of this website.

When Change is Hard
When E'er You Make a Promise (Santa Monica)
Our congregant and board member, the Rev. Dr. Kikanza Nuri-Robins, is an organization development consultant.
Ordained by the Presbyterian Church, she is a transtraditional minister who serves pastors, congregations and
spiritual organizations, including metaphysical, atheist, and the national UUA offices. She has studied UU history and culture at Starr King School for Ministry and helped design our Heart and Soul evening services.
Note that while Rev. Nuri-Robins will be preaching in Santa Monica, this is also our church weekend at Camp de Beneville Pines...and there will be a Worship in the Pines service there, led by Camp Dean Jacki Weber.
When East Met West

When 19th century Unitarians Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau began reading and reflecting on Eastern religion, they opened a new era for their own tradition. And they knew it.

When East Met West

New Member Recognition Sunday Among the first Americans to discover eastern religions were Unitarians Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau. Emerson read and wrote about Hindu scriptures and Thoreau practiced yoga by Walden Pond. Their adventures and insights into eastern religion transformed Unitarianism forever.

When Faith Moves West

Even the first Unitarian and Universalist ministers to move west had somewhat opportunistic reasons. One came in search of gold; preaching was his day job. Has our history influenced our way of being a faith community? Music David Ellis, guitarEven the first Unitarian and Universalist ministers to move west had somewhat opportunistic reasons. One came in search of gold; preaching was his day job. Has our history influenced our way of being a faith community? Music David Ellis, guitar

When Faith Takes Action

Our Faith in Action initiative has grounded the authority for our collective social action in a deliberate, democratic process for choosing our issues. It's a lot of work. But it will take us where we need to go. Music Christine Mourad, SingerOur Faith in Action initiative has grounded the authority for our collective social action in a deliberate, democratic process for choosing our issues. It's a lot of work. But it will take us where we need to go. Music Christine Mourad, Singer

When Fear Turns to Hate

C.S. Lewis once observed that the more we fear, the more we hate. This is the dynamic of broken lives, violent behavior and a divided world. Can we change it

When I Am Gone (S. Lawrence) - Saunder Choi
When Jesus Came to America

Palm Sunday marks the day Jesus made his momentous arrival in Jerusalem. His arrival in America as a multicultural icon has also been momentous in its own way. According to scholar Stephen Prothero, he has become the man nobody hates and everyone knows, whatever their religious faith.