UUSM Communications Team Meeting |
UUSM Earth-Moving Financial Meeting
Plan to attend the UUSM Earth-Moving Financial Meeting on March 24 at 12:15 to get your financial hardhat and flashlight! Our pledge drive is over, and this event will look at how we did and some options for next steps that we can think about.
Following the meeting there will be the
Young Adult Brunch and Tax event
Are you new to doing your taxes? Do you want to know difference between standard and itemized deductions, or what "write it off" means? And what really is an audit anyway? Come to the young adult brunch in Forbes on March 24th after the Early Warning event for our long awaited bagels from Bagel Nosh, and hear Gar and Nina have a chat about tax basics just in time for the filing date on April 15! We are asking everyone to chip in 5 dollars to help cover the cost of the bagels.
UUSM Finances and Budget meeting - Zoom/Online |
UUSM Good Neighbor Parking Impact Reduction Plan Approved at the Annual Meeting, 5-15-2005 The Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Santa Monica has operated at the corner of 18th and Arizona in Santa Monica since the sanctuary was built in 1930. The Social Hall on Arizona was built in 1961. Because both the church and social hall construction predated current parking requirements, current operations are considered “grandparented” uses, and are not required to provide parking on site. |
UUSM Good Neighbor Parking Impact Reduction Plan Approved at the Annual Meeting, 5-15-2005 The Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Santa Monica has operated at the corner of 18th and Arizona in Santa Monica since the sanctuary was built in 1930. The Social Hall on Arizona was built in 1961. Because both the church and social hall construction predated current parking requirements, current operations are considered "grandparented" uses, and are not required to provide parking on site. The neighborhood surrounding the church has limited on-street parking because of the proximity of major hospitals and car dealerships with insufficient on-site parking for employees and visitors as well as many residential buildings lacking on site parking. On street parking is limited to two hours without a resident permit. Because the church is committed to being a good neighbor, we have prepared this Parking Impact Reduction Plan. In accordance with City of Santa Monica policies, the plan seeks both to manage parking demand and supply, and to decrease the number of auto trips generated as a result of church activities as well as impacts on the neighborhood. This "Good Neighbor Parking Impact Reduction Plan" was adopted by the congregation at our May 15, 2005 general meeting. A plan to reduce parking impacts on the neighborhood was included by the Planning Commission as a condition of their March 3, 2004 approval of our plan to expand the sanctuary and build new religious education classrooms at 1253 17th Street. We are returning to the Planning Commission June 15, 2005 to request permission for a similar plan to build new RE classrooms at 1248 18th Street and using the old house for offices. We have now adopted and implemented this plant to reduce impacts on our neighbors. PROPOSED PARKING IMPACT REDUCTION MEASURES The UUCCSM commits to take the following measures to encourage members, visitors and community members using its facilities to use alternatives to private auto use and to reduce parking demand on neighborhood streets: 1. Recognizing the need to provide parking for Sunday mornings, the period of highest use, the church has a longstanding agreement with UCLA Hospital to provide access to spaces in their garage at 16th and Arizona. The garage is less than two short blocks along Arizona from the church and social hall. Visitors and members simply pick up a blue "parking pass" from the office or Sunday morning greeters, and place it on their dashboard. Between 8:30 and 2:30 a parking attendant will admit all cars with the blue pass to the garage and open the gate for them to leave. These hours can be extended for special events on Sunday afternoons by prior arrangement with the church office. 2. Information on Big Blue Bus service to the church is posted in the lobby to the social hall near the Arizona Avenue entrance. Information on bike routes serving the church will also be provided at this location. 3. Members of church study groups and committees will be encouraged to carpool to meetings and activities. Carpool sign-up sheets for Sunday mornings and other regular activities will be provided on the bulletin board at Forbes Hall. For larger events, where feasible, carpooling or vanpooling should be encouraged. 4. Community groups renting church facilities will receive a copy of this "Good Neighbor" policy. They are requested to note in their event announcements that on-street parking is limited, to identify nearby bus lines in meeting announcements, and provide an email address or phone number for carpooling coordination. They are also requested to show consideration for neighbors by not lingering or talking loudly near residences after events, particularly after 10 pm. No noises should be heard from the street or neighbors near the church facilities after 10 pm. If the church office receives any complaints from neighbors or other church users about excessive noise, renters may be restricted in their use of church facilities. 5. Bike parking facilities will be provided for those bicycling to events at the church facilities. Currently, the bike rack is located in the rear yard of 1248 18th Street. 6. The church will conduct surveys of how people access the church at least every other year, as required in the Planning Commission’s Statement of Official Action dated May 21, 2004. Articles in the Church newsletter, announcements in the order of service and periodic raffles and other incentive programs will encourage walking, biking, taking the bus and carpooling to church events to reduce neighborhood parking impacts. Articles and announcements in April 2005 documented an average garage use level of 40-50 cars from church visitors each Sunday. PROPOSED PARKING MANAGEMENT MEASURES 7. The church has requested the City to post signs to identify a drop off location near the entry to Forbes Hall so that children and those with mobility problems can be dropped off and the driver can continue along Arizona to the UCLA garage. It is anticipated that this will be a single drop off parking space on the curb near the alleyway, and will be restricted only on Sundays from 8 am to 3 pm to encourage use of the garage, less than 2 short blocks from the social hall entrance. 8. An announcement in each Sunday order of service will encourage use of the UCLA parking garage or alternatives to driving, including walking, biking, taking the bus and carpooling. 9. In conjunction with construction of new religious education facilities and office space at 1248 18th Street, the church has proposed to provide three parking spaces with access off the alley for staff use and deliveries to church facilities. 10. In addition to the possible use of the UCLA garage on weekends, when it is not fully used by UCLA personnel, the church encourages groups using its facilities to make arrangements with other potential providers of off-site parking, such as the 7th Day Adventist Church at 19th and Arizona and various nearby businesses located along Wilshire Boulevard. The church will provide contact information for groups to arrange for such shared parking use. As a renter of facilities at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Santa Monica, I hereby acknowledge that I have read and will abide by the Good Neighbor policy of the church. Specifically, I will encourage participants in events at the church to carpool, take the bus, walk, bike or ,where feasible, arrange for use of nearby parking facilities, in order to decrease the impact of our events on the neighborhood’s limited on street parking supply. |
UUSM Green Living & FIA - Intergenerational Garden Planting Green Living Committee + Faith in Action invites you to spend some time gardening outdoors with our nature loving folks of all ages from UUSM! Youth and folks with gardening skills and tools are especially invited! Our church campus landscape is in need of some loving attention, as we start to hold small gatherings outdoors in our Covid-19 transition period. We will focus on filling in the bald areas along the low stucco wall with drought tolerant plants. We may be able to select and start a small native garden in an appropriate spot. UUSM Covid 19 Protocols apply: --Bring and Wear Masks and stay Socially Distanced --No Food or Drink --Vaccinated Folks only (unless under 12 with parent) --Please dress in comfortable shoes and clothes, with hat, mask and sunscreen --Please bring tools and --Please RSVP to |
UUSM Health Precautions
We are aware of the increasing spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) around the world and its devastating impact particularly on older populations and those with compromised immune systems. We want you to be aware of this potential threat and we want to plan to limit the exposure to and spread of this virus and other illnesses in our community.
Common symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, cough, shortness of breath, and pneumonia. Less frequently, persons may experience other cold-like symptoms (sneezing, runny nose, or sore throat) or diarrhea. In rare cases, the virus can lead to organ failure and death.
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) indicates that “the virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person. Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet) through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes, but this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads.”
Church staff have been instructed to stay home and work remotely or rest if they are feeling unwell. We want to encourage the same of everyone in our community to limit the possible spread of this illness and others. If you are beginning to feel unwell, please remain home and seek any necessary medical attention. You can always call the church or email the Pastoral Associates and Care Ring at for pastoral support.
The CDC recommends everyday preventive actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases, including:
The CDC does not recommend that people who are well wear a facemask to protect themselves from respiratory diseases, including COVID-19.
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.
We will be installing hand sanitizer dispensers in common areas for use to help contain the spread of any respiratory illness within and beyond the community.
On Sunday mornings, worship leaders have been asked to temporarily refrain from shaking hands before and after the service to limit possible disease transmission. I will begin to offer the Anjali Mudra (prayer pose) or Sufi Heart Blessing instead of handshakes. You are invited to adopt these or similar practices to help maintain a healthy beloved community.
With love and faith,
Jeremiah Jacki
Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae Jacki Weber
Developmental Minister President
UUSM HISTORY PART II (2010-present)
We hope you all will make plans to join us on January 6 for two great opportunities.
One of the very best story-tellers – REV. MEG BARNHOUSE - in our UU (or any) tradition will be preaching the morning services.
Immediately afterward, from 1:00 – 3:00pm, we will have the follow up to the HISTORY PART I workshop we held last year. History Part II will describe the years from 2010-present. These years – leading into and out of Rev. Rebecca’s ministry – are both complex and crucial for everyone to understand. Our success or failure in exploring, accepting and learning from this time will be one of the most important determinants in whether and how we move forward into the future or stay stuck in the past. A light lunch will be served.
UUSM History Workshop This Sunday after the second service (12:30) Rev. Greg is holding a workshop on UUCCSM’s history. This is for everyone. It is not so that Rev. Greg or Church leaders can tell members what our history is. It is so that members can tell Rev. Greg and church leaders what our history is. Specifically, what’s most important… what’s most meaningful… what’s exciting, energizing, enlightening, heartbreaking, etc. Everyone has something to share and everyone has something to learn. A light lunch will be served for nominal cost.
UUSM Hunger Task Force Gathers Food for Grass Roots Neighbors |
UUSM Necktie Quilters |
UUSM Necktie Quilters |