Once Upon a Time -- Again (one service only at 11:00 a.m.)
Church member and UCLA Oncology Chaplain Michael Eselun will explore the meaning and hidden gifts that may lie in our stories, just waiting to be told again.
One Church We celebrate our Ingathering with an affirmation of our community and our covenant, which bring us together and make us one people. |
One Honest Man Martin Luther King, Jr. was a college student when he read Henry David Thoreau for the first time. We honor King this Sunday by exploring Thoreau?s influence as King articulated his philosophy of nonviolence in speeches, writings, and public acts of great courage. |
One Man Show on Thomas Paine
One Man Play about Thomas Paine, Sunday, November 16, in the Sanctuary, at 1:30 p.m. Thomas Paine is in Ian Ruskin’s skin in “To Begin the World Again: The Life of Thomas Paine.”
Ruskin reminds us that what makes us great as a nation is that all are equal in the system of justice. At a time when we were all radicals, more than any other founding father, Thomas Paine possessed a vision for a democracy based emphatically on “justice for all.” Paine foreshadowed Martin Luther King, Jr., who
believed, “the moral arc of history is long, but it bends toward justice.”
In this one-man play Ruskin will show us again the fiery eloquence that made Paine’s “Common Sense,” a best-seller and stirred a nation to revolution. In his “Age of Reason,” Paine championed man’s abilities and challenged organized religion. When justice seems to be foundering, Thomas Paine speaks to us again about making our voices heard — not for self-interest but for the interest of us all. To quote Paine: “The World is my country and all mankind my brethren, and to do good is my religion.”
Recent performances include a two-month run of the play in Los Angeles and at The Organization of American Historians; The American Philosophical Society; the Harvard Law School; and Conway Hall, London, England. Donations will be welcome and there will be refreshments and the sale of books and CDs at 12:45 p.m.
One Mother's Life Unitarian Universalist civil rights activist Viola Liuzzo, mother of five, died in 1965 on the road from Selma to Montgomery, AL. She was brutally murdered by four members of the Ku Klux Klan. On this Mother's Day we will learn about her life, her faith, and her legacy. Music Ron Djuibla, saxophone |
One Nation (T. Jennings) - UUSM Vocalists |
One of Us Ingathering Sunday Welcoming the stranger is the most important spiritual practice of any community. Let?s learn together how we can grow and fulfill our promise as a welcoming congregation. Chalice Lighting Remarks by Marsha Smith and Laurel Bleak |
Only Love Can Do That - MLK Sunday
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that." - MLK, Strength to Love, 1957.
Open Hours Event As we enter this time of ministerial transition, you may want to spend some time with our Minister to share your thoughts, feelings, or stories of our time together, as we begin to say goodbye. Open Hours are hosted by a member of our Board of Directors and/or our Right Relations Task Force with our Minister and intended to open space and time in our life together for a compassionate leavetaking. For our Feb 15 Open Hours, hosted by Board Member and Treasurer Kim Miller, you are welcome to drop in or rsvp to Rev. Rebecca at or Kim Miller <> to let us you know will be stopping by. |
Open Hours Event As we enter this time of ministerial transition, you may want to spend some time with our Minister to share your thoughts, feelings, or stories of our time together, as we begin to say goodbye. Open Hours are hosted by a member of our Board of Directors and/or our Right Relations Task Force with our Minister and intended to open space and time in our life together for a compassionate leavetaking. For our March 12 Open Hours, hosted by Member and Tom Peters, you are welcome to drop in or rsvp to Rev. Rebecca at or Tom Peters at to let us you know will be stopping by. |
Open Hours Event In this time of ministerial transition, you may want to spend some time with our Minister to share your thoughts, feelings, or stories of our time together, as we begin to say goodbye. Open Hours are hosted by a member of our Board of Directors and/or our Right Relations Task Force with our Minister and intended to open space and time in our life together for a compassionate leavetaking. For our April 5 Open Hours, hosted by Patricia Wright from our Board of Directors, you are welcome to drop in or rsvp to Rev. Rebecca at or Patricia at to let us you know will be stopping by.
Open Hours with Reverend Rebecca Open Hours: Sat May 20, 9:30-11am, in Forbes Hall. In this time of ministerial transition, you may want to spend some time with our Minister to share your thoughts, feelings, or stories of our time together, as we say goodbye. Open Hours are hosted by a member of our Board of Directors and/or our Right Relations Task Force with our Minister and intended to open space and time in our life together for a compassionate leavetaking. For our final Open Hours on May 20, hosted by Sue Stoyanoff of our Right Relations Task Force, you are welcome to drop in or rsvp to Rev. Rebecca at or Sue at to let us you know will be stopping by. |