
Offsite: Board Retreat
Offsite: Interfaith Prayer Vigil at Santa Monica Car Wash, 2510 Pico Blvd.
OFFSITE: JUUstice LA March

May Day is the international working class holiday celebrated by millions of workers across the globe. It originated and commemorates the Chicago workers’ historic struggle for the 8-hour day on May 1, 1886. The workers had a general strike that spread to 350,000 workers across the country. It is a day when workers around the world march for their common demands, signifying international working-class solidarity.

On May 1, 2017 we will march for the universal demands of all workers: against imperialist war, against racism and xenophobia, for LGBTQIA rights, against sexism, for unity of immigrant and citizen workers, against wage slavery, against fascist police and many other horrors.

On Monday, May 1,10:30am at 1st Unitarian Church Los Angeles on 8th in between Vermont and Westmoreland

Join the #Resist March at 11am MacArthur Park

Info at the FIA Table in Forbes after services

Contact: Sarah Mae Harper

Oh, Freedom!
Oh, We Give Thanks

[Note: No audio recording is available for this sermon.]

Oi Troy Oi!!! - Vietnam 50 years after the Tet Offensive
Recently, Rev. Greg toured Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia.  He went, partly to trace the stories of family friends and elementary and high school classmates who've sent loved ones to Vietnam to fight.  He found it hard to hear of all those who lost their lives - or simply were lost.  But the hardest were the stories of those who came back with painful experiences which few people could understand or make room for, partly because their story didn't fit our national narrative.  On his trip, he discovered there are other narratives we don't often hear, but they are worth knowing because they could hold the key for some of the healing we've been lookng for.
OK (Kirk Franklin) - UUSM Vocalists
On Apology
On Being a Person of Faith

In her book Beyond Belief, religion scholar Elaine Pagels sheds light on the meaning of faith in the time of Jesus and the early Christians. She also helps us understand what it means to be a person of faith — and a Unitarian Universalist –– today.

On the Dusty Earth Drum (J. Shelton) - Saunder Choi
On the Road to Emmaus

Easter celebrates the human cycles of growth and transformation.

Once in a Lifetime

This Sunday we celebrate the 75th anniversary of our sanctuary building and kick off our Capital Campaign to build a facility that will last us another 75 years. It truly is a “once in a lifetime” moment in the life of our church. Don’t miss it.

Chalice Lighting: "If These Walls Could Talk" by Rob Briner