
Maundy Thursday Service and Shared Meal
Maundy Thursday Vespers Service
May 7, 2017 Sermon - Rev. Greg Ward
May 9, 2006

NOTE: This Tentative Board Agenda reflects items to be considered at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors. Additional items of new business may be added prior to the Board meeting. An Updated Agenda is available from the Church Office on the day of the Board Meeting.


May, 2004

We're Working for Economic Justice

Last September, we voted to develop a new program in economic justice. Since then, Cathie Gentile has led this initiative and we’ve hired two Faith in Action Interns and forged a close working relationship with Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice (CLUE) and Santa Monicans Allied for Responsible Tourism (SMART). Our combined effort is focused on helping low-wage workers in the hotel industry in Los Angeles.

May, 2004

We're Working for Economic Justice

Last September, we voted to develop a new program in economic justice. Sincethen, Cathie Gentile has led this initiative and we've hired two Faith in ActionInterns and forged a close working relationship with Clergyand Laity United for Economic Justice (CLUE) and SantaMonicans Allied for Responsible Tourism (SMART). Our combined effort isfocused on helping low-wage workers in the hotel industry in Los Angeles. Thisinvolves working with hotel management and union representatives as they undertakea new round of contract negotiations.

What have we accomplished so far? First, as part of CLUE's Hungry for Justiceproject, we started collecting food in March for needy hotel workers in caseof a general strike later this spring. Second, we've contributed cash to theworker sanctuary emergency fund. Third, we'll provide educational programs aboutthe issues. The first such program was held at our church on April 7. Futureprograms will feature CLUE's David and Goliath Project, which will help us learnhow to be responsible advocates in the event of a labor action.

The leaders and some of the participants of the program at our church on April7 are shown in the accompanying photograph. Theseinclude (left to right) Abby Arnold (member of our church), Cathie Gentile (ourchurch), Vivian Rothstein (SMART), Edith Mendez (FIA intern), Derek Smith (SMART),Mar Preston (our church and FIA intern), Sarah Rubio (hotel worker), Maria ElenaDurazo (vice president at large of the Hotel Employees & Restaurant Employees[HERE] International Union and president of HERE Local 11 in Los Angeles), andMichele Prichard (our church). Maria Elena Durazo outlined the background andgoals of the upcoming contract negotiations. Among the concerns were continuedaccess to free family health care, reasonable wages and working conditions,and a contract renewal date in 2006.

A renewal date in 2006 is crucial to the union's strategy. They recognize thatthey are dealing with multinational corporations with very deep pockets. Theyare concerned that having different renewal dates around the country makes itimpossible for the unions to act as a unified national force on behalf of theworkers. They recognize that they must become a national union for their constituents.

More will follow from Cathie Gentile, Mar Preston and Edith Mendez about thisprogram. Please contact one of them if you would like to take a more activerole in supporting this effort.

- Charles Haskell, Chair, Faith in Action Commission

May, 2005

The Faith in Action Bulletin is Now Available Online

The Spring 2005 issue of the FIA Bulletin is now available online. Printed copies may be found on the FIA table in Forbes Hall. This issue includes a poem, personal opinion essays, and commentary from church members, national organizations, and friends of our church. Most of the issue is devoted to two topics — peace and health care.

May, 2005

The Faith in Action Bulletin is Now Available Online

The Spring 2005 issue of the FIA Bulletinis now available online. Printed copies may be found on the FIA table in ForbesHall. This issue includes a poem, personal opinion essays, and commentary fromchurch members, national organizations, and friends of our church. Most of theissue is devoted to two topics - peace and health care.

Peace. Myra Wald starts us off with a poem about the horrorsof war. Next, Tom Hamilton provides an analysis of the genocide in Darfur. Hefeels that the genocide will probably continue until one side or the other prevailsmilitarily and that the UN is basically powerless to alter the outcome. An alternateperspective comes from Senate bill 495, which is under current review. The essenceof this bill, which is published as a "Sense of the Congress," calls for UNsanctions and possible military action. Tom's article is followed by a proposednew Study/Action issue from the UUA entitled Peacemaking (S3). This proposalcalls for us to carefully consider just what it means to be a Unitarian Universalistwhen it comes to issues of peace and war.

Health Care. Phyllis Gabriel reports on efforts to reformhealth care access in California. Cathie Gentile reports on the activities ofthe UU Legislative Ministry- California, including the support of same-sex marriage,health care access reform, and water rights. Liz Fuller provides an essay onher experiences with health insurance coverage as a new mother.

The next issue of the FIA Bulletin is planned for publication during the summer.Wouldn't you like to contribute an essay, photograph, or poem of your own forpossible publication? Questions, comments, suggestions, and creative work forpublication are welcome. The deadline for the next issue is August 1. Submissionsmay be placed in the FIA box in the church office or sent to m

- Charles Haskell
Editor, FIA Bulletin Chair, Faith in Action Commission

May, 2008

Join the Pride Parade

Come join us for this year’s LGBT Pride Celebration and Parade on Sunday, June 8.All are invited to march: singles and families,adults and children,gay and straight together.Last year our congregation had over 30 marchers — let’s double that this year.The walk is very manageable and the experience is exhilarating (just ask one of the many who have done it).Many of you already have your T-shirt so come be part of our colorful UU rainbow. It’s truly a DON’T MISS event.

May, 2008

Join the Pride Parade

Come join us for this year's LGBT Pride Celebration andParade on Sunday, June 8.All are invited to march: singles and families,adults and children,gay and straight together.Lastyear our congregation had over 30 marchers - let's double that this year.The walk is very manageable and the experienceis exhilarating (just ask one of the many who have done it).Many of you already have your T-shirt so come be part of ourcolorful UU rainbow. It's truly a DON'T MISS event. Contact Janet Goodwin to say that you are interested(I'll put you on the e-mail list of updates). The general time frame is 9:30/10 a.m. to 12:30/1:30 p.m. but the actualmarching is around an hour and a quarter. Let's show Los Angeles that we stand on the side of love.

- Janet Goodwin

Interweave Seeks Help for Common Ground

Interweave, our affiliate group for bisexuals, gays,lesbians, and transgenders, and their friends and allies,will be collecting jeans and sweatshirts for homelessyouth who seek services at Common Ground, the WestsideHIV Community Center. Common Ground,located at 2012 Lincoln Blvd. in Santa Monica, provideshomeless youth basic resources (clothing, hygieneproducts, an address to receive mail); medical, mental,and dental health services; HIV prevention; legal advocacy;and job/educational support.

Please bring new or gently used, clean items to theInterweave table in Forbes Hall after services in March.In subsequent months, we'll be collecting other clothingand art items for the youth-we'll keep you postedon what they need.

For more information about Common Ground andtheir needs, visit,e-mail, or call(310) 314-5480. Also contact our liaison with CommonGround, Judy Federick if you would like to help out or if youhave questions.


Thanks for the Undies

Once again you have been generous with those inneed. Thanks to you, we have distributed underwearfor:
