May, 2004
We're Working for Economic Justice
Last September, we voted to develop a new program in economic justice. Sincethen, Cathie Gentile has led this initiative and we've hired two Faith in ActionInterns and forged a close working relationship with Clergyand Laity United for Economic Justice (CLUE) and SantaMonicans Allied for Responsible Tourism (SMART). Our combined effort isfocused on helping low-wage workers in the hotel industry in Los Angeles. Thisinvolves working with hotel management and union representatives as they undertakea new round of contract negotiations.
What have we accomplished so far? First, as part of CLUE's Hungry for Justiceproject, we started collecting food in March for needy hotel workers in caseof a general strike later this spring. Second, we've contributed cash to theworker sanctuary emergency fund. Third, we'll provide educational programs aboutthe issues. The first such program was held at our church on April 7. Futureprograms will feature CLUE's David and Goliath Project, which will help us learnhow to be responsible advocates in the event of a labor action.
The leaders and some of the participants of the program at our church on April7 are shown in the accompanying photograph. Theseinclude (left to right) Abby Arnold (member of our church), Cathie Gentile (ourchurch), Vivian Rothstein (SMART), Edith Mendez (FIA intern), Derek Smith (SMART),Mar Preston (our church and FIA intern), Sarah Rubio (hotel worker), Maria ElenaDurazo (vice president at large of the Hotel Employees & Restaurant Employees[HERE] International Union and president of HERE Local 11 in Los Angeles), andMichele Prichard (our church). Maria Elena Durazo outlined the background andgoals of the upcoming contract negotiations. Among the concerns were continuedaccess to free family health care, reasonable wages and working conditions,and a contract renewal date in 2006.
A renewal date in 2006 is crucial to the union's strategy. They recognize thatthey are dealing with multinational corporations with very deep pockets. Theyare concerned that having different renewal dates around the country makes itimpossible for the unions to act as a unified national force on behalf of theworkers. They recognize that they must become a national union for their constituents.
More will follow from Cathie Gentile, Mar Preston and Edith Mendez about thisprogram. Please contact one of them if you would like to take a more activerole in supporting this effort.
- Charles Haskell, Chair, Faith in Action Commission